RonZak, the Michigander!

261 updates
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Yeah, I'm a day late, but Happy New Year, everyone! I really should be asleep right now; it's about 12:30 at night, but I'm just popping on to edit something really quick, and also give out a new year message. I'm still trying to add to the website and work on the various projects, but it's a very slow process. Please bear with me.
I have updated my music log to detail what I've been working on for the past seven months musically.
The fifth Dimension Hoppers story, Assimilation AI, is finished, and is now up on the website in the (incomplete) full web novel page, as well as on its own chapter page.
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I'm trying to revamp the website to make text easier to read. I wanted to keep the red/blue color scheme, but I'm not sure that's a good contrast. (It is not.) Likely going to drop the blue, and keep red. I've changed the Dimension Hoppers pages already, and I'm working on finishing the fifth story. -Rafe
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedDec 7, 2022
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