Sacred Gate

283 updates
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summary of my pokemon scarlet adventure: me and that one jumpluff I caught as a hoppip at lvl 3 taking on the world together (along with a fire hawk and a rabbit mouse)
sacred-gate 1 year ago

i want to clarify that I do know what talonflame and azumarill are

i tried making a shrine ^^ for splatoon this time , maybe I’ll make an animal crossing one next and then do pokemon or slime rancher
Sacred Gate was updated.
1 year ago
[just throws art everywhere on the art page] I made a gallery
ninacti0n 1 year ago

You've got cool art there! It's a different type of style! ^^

1 like
new blog post ; at some point I’ll get into writing them 3 times a week ☆
1 like
Sacred Gate was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
the temptation after seeing everyone’s cool sites to remake my entire thing
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omggggg I love your characters ;W;
1 like
thank you for following me! i love your site!
1 like
sacred-gate 1 year ago

npp, I love your art !!

1 like
Sacred Gate was updated.
1 year ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedOct 5, 2022
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personal art writing worldbuilding fun