Scott's Site

1,662 updates
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Finishing FF8 triggered me into playing FF7. FF8 is a really good game but FF7 is just... better. xD The story is more "epic", levelling/battling isn't a bad thing, it generally has more QOL stuff (e.g. Sense continues showing enemy HP), all of the characters have a more detailed story, it's just better. xD I love both games but FF7 is considered the best for a reason and not just nostalgia/many people's first FF imo
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Scott's Site was updated.
9 months ago
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scott2 9 months ago

Edit: Just added a few things I thought of after posting lol xD. Think I'm done now.

Just revisiting Final Fantasy 8. Despite its flaws (I'll complain about them in an upcoming blog post), when it comes down to it it's still an excellent journey from start to finish (which I will also talk about).
Aight I've really slacked lately on my site and projects. Like an idiot I left my latest proj in a broken state and didn't make a backup recently, and I think that killed my motivation. This weekend I have nothing on, so assigning some specific hours to get it back up to speed, whether I LIKE IT OR NOT. I'm sure once it's stable and running, I'll get my motivation back.
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scott2 11 months ago

Also just for fun I think I'm gonna switch to writing this entire project using procedural code only instead of object oriented. Really long function names incoming!

Scott's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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zumi 1 year ago

damn, really pulling that 00s throwback huh

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scott2 1 year ago

Yeah haha! Also I'm hoping it gives my thumbnail a bit more meaning in places where it normally looks like a blur, for example when it's next to my site name in these comments, and in the Follower/Following section. :D It's still a bit hard to read in those situations, and the smiley is hard to see, so I'll probably end up tweaking it a bit. xD

scott2 1 year ago

Well, either that or I need new glasses haha!

zumi 1 year ago

reminds me of the "avatar videos" of old youtube, where you just make a video of a still image and then set it as an avatar

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Thank you for the follow!
scott2 1 year ago

Thanks to you too! Very nice site you have. :D

aywren 1 year ago

Thank you! You have a fun site, too! Enjoyed your cat's review of FFVI Pixel Remaster! :)

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scott2 1 year ago

I shall pass the message onto her haha 😸! And many thanks for linking Static Ultra!

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aywren 1 year ago

You're very welcome! Thanks for building such a cool system. I need to look into how your re-usable HTML blocks work. Wish I'd had all this before I built out my full site, but maybe for the next site! (Can't have just one!)

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scott2 1 year ago

It'd be really nice to see someone else using Static Ultra! For the HTML blocks, I'd recommend creating a HTML file named html-block.html in your root to start with, with "Hello world!" inside the body. Then try including it on a top level page using !-- [SU_HTML]html-block.html[/SU_HTML] --. Best of luck (should you decide to pursue it - no pressure intended xD)!*

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scott2 1 year ago

*Neocities scrapes some symbols from these posts, but hopefully that makes sense. xD

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Scott's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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zumi 1 year ago

neocities recent change weirded me out too. on the plus side, we don't need to follow the folder-containing-only-an-index.html that some static site generators makes (though in my case I usually have unique assets alongside the index.html so it isn't all wasted)

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scott2 1 year ago

Yeah I'd say it's a good change overall. :D And the index.html inside folder way is a nice option too for organising assets as you described. :)

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Scott's Site was updated.
1 year ago
zumi 1 year ago

ngl I miss SSN but I can see why you wanna use disqus instead lmao

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Scott's Site was updated.
1 year ago
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glad to see ya back, man
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scott2 1 year ago

Thanks pal! :)

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