Shining Force Library

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Saw your comment, I'm happy you liked the pre-release stuff enough to share it around! Those magazine scans are all fairly recent so I guess most people haven't seen them, and it's very fun that pretty much all of them are clearly different from the final version.
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playingps2 1 day ago

Just so you know, I shared this on my twitter because it was great and I'd never seen prerelease screens for SF before!

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just got followed by an account clearly made just to harass someone else, so to make it clear: i have zero tolerance for this callout stuff, will block immediately and also report if i find it serious enough. also, extremely weird to see people in the account asking who the one being harassed is. why are you asking that directly to the harasser? you're just inviting them to spew more hate. don't engage them
shiningforcelibrary 1 week ago

i feel people might ask because they think there has to be some sort of truth or reason behind the drama, but honestly, most callout or harassment campaign are just some jerk(s) getting a quick power high. and even when there's some trigger to it, airing the problem out to a whole internet audience just blow everything out of proportion. you don't get anything from interacting with this stuff

radpage 1 week ago

I'm pretty sure I got followed by that same account too and was wondering about that. I nearly replied but then decided they didn't deserve that attention. The guy in question getting called out seems completely harmless to me

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CreatedOct 22, 2023
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