Shiraru's Fun House

192 updates
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I am definitely making a shrine/collection page for my stuffed animals and toys!! I’ve been so nostalgic lately for my youth and looking at a bunch of collections of peoples plushies… so I want to document it! I recently (like last night impulse bought) a build a bear I used to have! I want to make sure she’s memorialized somewhere since I don’t have my original… sorry this is so long lol hamster peace
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shiraru 9 months ago

Oh my god I didn’t even realized these status updates had limits I talk too damn much 😭😭

I wonder what I should add to the home page… I like to keep everything seperate as you can see… but what more could be added… I dunno…
shiraru 9 months ago

Maybe some of those virtual pets yeah… yeah…

Ah… I don’t think there were be any web site uodate this week… working and sleeping as much as I can… have to start on commission… but I think for next week I’ll definitely do the gallery and try and see if I can get the mobile viewer to work hopefully I didn’t Bork up the coding…
shiraru 9 months ago

Atleast I got the new and update buttons to look nice finally my god I have no idea what happened before that made them stack weirdly like that

Okay so I shouldn’t be adding any new pages for a while which is good because I think I was confusing myself… sigh I wanted to fix the gallery today but I was called into work… I’ll fix it next week and then just work on buttons that aren’t appearing on Thursday
do not view the about me page on phones...
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shiraru 9 months ago

alright big update today! big changes to the about me page! added s brand new page the gallery! hopefully all the internal links work because i must lay down now... ill fix the images on the about me page later if theyr not showing up... they showed up perfectly fine in my editor and i cleared my cache... thank you for being patient with my screaming!!

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shiraru 9 months ago

now to see how this looks on my phone and ipad...

you guys are getting an ugly gallery now... ill fix it this upcoming week... im almost done... its just the gallery ive been dreading why is this so hard girl help!!!!!!!!! everyones hgalleries look so nice and hoverable...
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im too scared to work on the gallery *spongebob being dragged away meme*
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Collecting stamps and blinkies and the urge to start making shrines now is real I’m afraid (I have 6 or 7 that I want to do right now)
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shiraru 9 months ago

Going to create a containment box for the character stamps I was collecting

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2023
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