slumbering weald v2

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happy garten of peakpeak 3 release day. i have no words for this series anymore.
i love and hate having a page for my 2022 art of sordsoni bc even if it rly hasnt been that long im still really embarrassed by the quality, but also at the same time it's nice to have it there
slumberingweald 1 year ago

i'm someone who has a tendency to delete/throw out old art and so many times have i looked back on it and regretted it...i think even if my old art is embarrassing i should still keep it to see how far i've come

i always get nervous abt posting my site on public social media accounts rather than just my private ones because i mostly just have public accounts for posting art so i try to be. relatively normal about how insane i am abt my galar stuff
new index is done for now, i just need to add stuff to it. i havent applied it to other pages yet but im just completely emptying my music player and putting new songs into it
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going to try to do a proper overhaul of my homepage layout! i'll keep the current one up and just code the other one offline until i finish it >__>
trapped in the twt realm bc i get all of my im@s news from twt aand i do not have miriP friends bc i am. the miriP friend
DUDE ty for the fllw :D ur site is so OMNONMNOM NOM...,.,.,.,.,.
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yamper is so friend i havent looked at any dlc leaks but if yamper doesnt return in the sv dlc im going to be so upset. please so i can add a section on my shrine for my yamper in each game i've played

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 6, 2021
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