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ok i've started porting my site to fit the 11ty workflow and feels pretty damn magical already tho im still in early progress (also the pains of being a details-tag enjoyer...guess ill have a hella mix of md and html lmao) but just a small note! the eleventy js file has to be named ".eleventy.js"! as "eleventy.js" the sitegenerating command will literally do nothing at least for me haha
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whiona 7 months ago

Ooooops thank you for catching that! I’ll go fix it right away.

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woops i accidentally deleted the update post - but did some big moves for once ! crosspost from changelog... "switched most open-in-new-tab links not to open in a new tab (...); some tweaks/redactions in my about; updated the bandcamp collection table finally!; added alt texts to the emoji edits!; turned the unordered list bullet into an asterisk! (...)" + also finally added my neocities profile link to the about...
found yr site thru, looks really nice on some cursory lookin (sayin this on mobile cos im at work currently) :O and maybe i should also un-new-tab my links now that i've seen the little article about it re: yr latest update.....
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debtdeath 7 months ago

thank you! my website was made for sneakily reading at work 🤙 also yeah finding out about the new tab thing blew my mind, it was a lesson in understanding that default/standard options are there for a reason and i shouldnt be restrictive on account of It's How *I* Use It. very humbling very cool.

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gonna update the bandcamp collection table soon as i get round to's 10pm so not today, but sometime this week.
havent had the extra feist for fiddling with my site rn but i did do a couple banger changes to my :O (might turn the seasonal coloring there more granular, i.e. by-the-month type deal, will see)
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vashti 8 months ago

I can't believe you got to go to Berlin that sounds soooooo cool!

sneekrealm 8 months ago

this berlin still upcomin, flyin out for it in like uuhhhhhh 7 hours (but tbf been before a couple times haha).....but vegyn was really coooool

sneekrealm 8 months ago

no fucking disrespect on oli xl if i end up falling asleep at any point during his allnight set LMAO my coach for the airport is leaving in like fuckin 3h and a bit! though at least the bus stop is close to my hostel so its a bit more convenient than the train option which is Nice........(cos its cheaper too.......)

sneekrealm 8 months ago

but will be glad to be able to acquire more leibniz kunterbunt cookies theyre so cute. anyway zzzzzz

sneekrealm 8 months ago

sneakily had to plop loading="lazy" on the aurora pic cos i'd forgotten to one may spot a comment to myself about that in the html!!

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sneekrealm 8 months ago

also fuck it just throwing the emoji edits into the emojiedit page for now 🔥🔥🔥

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fri11s 8 months ago

the emoji edits are so fun!

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vashti 8 months ago

Happy to hear you're doing well. I can't believe you're going to London & Helsinki. I'm not very interested in London, but I'd love to visit Helsinki :) Also interesting to hear you call them "potatomash." I've only ever heard them referred to as "mashed potatoes."

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sneekrealm 8 months ago

@vashti im a Fiend for Playing Silly With Language // i mean i primarily travel to catch music events (and hang w friends if i got any in town) not gonna lie hahahaha

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