Qernz 0f i3

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page 3 of 3 complete...for now
sorry for the wait the final page from yestarday's update will be up shortly i had to gather a few things
onwards to page 2 of 3 (getting close to the end of the lol route once we reached that then we'll go back to normal stuff)
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sninkygle 4 years ago

small update to this page music actually fits this time >.>

encounters-ltd 4 years ago

what was the old music? i liked it

sninkygle 4 years ago

the old song was from breakmaster cylinder things to broadcast but it didn't mesh with the page so i changed it to something more somber from a game called mirrors

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sninkygle 4 years ago

this one fits for two reasons 1) it fits the tone and 2) its long enough so that if i ever added things to this page it would fit the length of the song (same applies to every other page >.>)

sninkygle 4 years ago

last small update for today i swear

sninkygle 4 years ago

at least for this page anyway

ok so here's a update schedule that works best for me in terms of consistancy and personal garbo so sundays at dusk and fevery other friday at dawn i know its not super specific in terms of times but as someone who doesn't have full control of his time this is the best i can do and about the patreon and stuff im gonna have to hold that off becuase i lost control over that stuff but anywa enjoy the updates :)
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so uhh the lol page isnt fully done i had a few set backs but its all sorted out now so in a couple of hours expect that page and a few more to be done
finnally got a pc again though its a rasppi...anyway expect a legit update soon

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 4, 2019
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