Spot of Mummery - FFXIV Blog & Fansite

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Wishing you a spiffy weekend!
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I'm super impressed by your music and your site design. Will be following and exploring more of your work!
grafovolaverunt 2 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind words! Nice site you have here too, love Final Fantasy n__n

spotofmummery 2 years ago

Thank you for checking out my site! Appreciate your follow, too! :)

1 like
*long breath* So, today I finished coding up the entire FFXIV Role Play Directory - including testing all links and removing any that were broken. On top of that, Part 4 of the Spot of Mummery story, A Chocobo's Tale, is now up! Happy Friday, Neopals!
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Thanks so much for the follow! I just chill on your site listening to that old Windows music! It really takes me back.
44nifty 2 years ago

Judging by that, I take it you probably remember XP better than I do (i just vaguely remember it from when i was like 5/6). How well would you say I captured it, and what could I change?

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spotofmummery 2 years ago

I got my first PC when I was about 19, and it was an XP machine. I recognized the login screen, the desktop and the UI elements instantly, so I'd say you're pretty much on point.

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Thank you for the follow! Looking forward to seeing how your site develops. :)
1 like
burypink 2 years ago

aw thank u!! it'll be cool to see ur site develop too!!

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The Ask Amon page is now complete with all the previously answered questions provided. I've also set up a Zonelets blogging system and have imported a few blog posts to that page. It still needs some fancy stuff, but the foundation is working.
I'm back to updating the Spot of Mummery Story today. All chapters of Memories from the Crystal Tower are now posted on the story archive!
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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedSep 28, 2021
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games videogames art finalfantasy ffxiv