...with strawberry gashes all over...

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how bad of taste is it to put adoptables you made in your own toybox lol
graybox 1 year ago

crocodile cheese

bisuko 1 year ago

i used to see ppl doing this all the time!! i thought it was normal :0c kinda like a way of redirecting you to their 'for you' page if you hadnt already visited yet

sakana 1 year ago

I mean I do this, but it's separated/distinct from the ones I've adopted elsewhere. They used to sit on my landing page but I didn't really like them there.

catnurse 1 year ago

sounds normal tbh

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I haven't linked it on my site yet but my nailpolishes page is up! I also added a wishlist since there's a lot I want. ^^;;
keysklubhouse 1 year ago

Also the Lisa Frank polishes have been restocked, or at least the glitters have (not so much the cremes), on ORLY's website--and I dunno if you have the browser extension Honey or not but that gave me a coupon code for free shipping. o3o Also they have a bunch of really cool nail wraps that I'm debating, lol!

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strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

oooh thank you for the head's up! if you like zoya they're doing 70% off rn too!

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strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

also i love the drippy header and how you added lighting on it to make it look like actual polish! do you mind if i ask what font was used? also i'm sorry that my kneejerk reaction was yas and ironically i saw you hate that phrase after i'd already said it i didn't do it on purpose to be annoying ;w;

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keysklubhouse 1 year ago

ROFL You're fine! Honestly your response made me smile, it's totally fine, hahaha. Thanks for the tip, I'll have to have a look! And the font... hmm... lemme go look...

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strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

thank you honey! <3

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I had a hell of a time remembering whose site it was I found the nail polish collection on--yours, of course! I'm putting a page of my own polishes together for my collections section of my site! I was wondering, would you be upset if I did a similar effect to my images, the expand-on-hover effect I mean? I don't want to copycat, I just really like the effect. ^^;
keysklubhouse 1 year ago

Also how jealous am I that you've got one of the Lisa Frank polishes, lol! I want the confetti one SO bad.

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

not at all! plz lmk when the page is finished bc i wanna see your collection! sob i was so fortunate to find the single bottle on chance at an ulta, otherwise the whole collection sold out so fast everywhere ;A;

i'm risking it all fam. here's a summary of the dreamie (tumor, strawbabie) drama:
strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

if i missed something or got something wrong please lmk, but hopefully this is comprehensive enough to a) show dreamie was scummy b) help folks recognize scummy beings often have similar behavior patterns and c) be an easy link for the next time someone asks what happened

heckmaster 1 year ago

Unfortunately, it's a lot of things- Dreamie accused us (as in, our system) of telling her to off herself in a server were nobody did such a thing AFAIK.

heckmaster 1 year ago

All this to say, I sure don't blame you if you missed something lol

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

i'm so sorry dreamie smeared you all like that ):

loves1ck 1 year ago

thanks for the writeup! was an..interesting read. i considered following tumor before, but i saw them vagueposting about the oldweb/blocking thing and was instantly turned off bc it was just extremely aggressive and weird to me lol

heckmaster 1 year ago

It's okay, we're not afraid of her and TBH our experience is but a drop in an ocean- we're mostly worried about the way she engaged with minors and how manipulative she was towards them.

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

i also considered following tumor until i looked at it's bio and had that "...waiminnit" moment lol. you dodged a bullet and i'm glad for that. "aggressive and weird" is a good description

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bechnokid 1 year ago

thank you so much for speaking your piece on this. i had to leave her webring bc she was telling doko to off themselves while claiming that "it's her job to protect minors" and after giving my reason, she was like "lol ok have fun supporting pedophiles!" it wasn't fun. :\

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

i'm glad you're not afraid! i agree though, it looks like coddling up to minors to basically use them as pawns is part of it's usual modus operandi and it's disconcerting

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

oh dear. i was one of the ppl it vagued about when it was talking about "removing ppl for engaging with lolcows." oh lord, i'm so sorry to hear dreamie was harassing you as well. ugh i can't stand the p word being thrown around so casually and reasonable ppl like you being treated so badly

bechnokid 1 year ago

*it, apologies for using she/her pronouns. i saw those pronouns mentioned in its bio, so i thought it'd be ok,,,

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

since i'm not dreamie i can't speak for how it would take being referred to as she (i don't mean this in a catty or sarcastic way) but i know for the longest time it used she as well. technically i'm incorrect with it but after hours of it i'm on autopilot ;w;

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

afaik the current correct pronouns for dreamie would be rot, and bc dreamie had so many pronouns and switched them so frequently i don't think anybody here was purposefully trying to misgender. we a little confused but frankly look at the material we were referencing

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strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

i forgot to say before, but if you want your experience removed i'd understand, or on the flipside if you wanted to be named for the sake of your hurt being acknowledged i'd also understand and can edit the post accordingly

nandoesherbest 1 year ago

👏👏 thank you for your service. tbh I had no idea about this manipulating minors thing, have been too short here to be aware of everything. for me it's the most vile thing it dreamie has done. i agree that faking minority status & weaponizing it is absolutely low, but srsly, it sounds like borderline grooming behaviour. hopefully dreamie will stay gone or at least won't get as much attention as used to before

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nandoesherbest 1 year ago

and for minors here, please, stay alert around weird adults online, no matter how cool they may be at first sight. they're not your friends, don't confide in them, because they can turn out to be manipulative or outright abusive towards you

comfort 1 year ago

thank you for the write up on everything!!

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strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

oh no, it's absolutely grooming behavior. then dreamie would turn around and accuse others of the grooming. dreamie chill out and get a life challenge. for the kiddos, adults can be kind and even friendly, but something is probably wrong if they're saying they're the only one you can trust and others are evil and etc. watch for red flags

this is a serious question. should i make an actual page summarizing the dreamie thing so ppl can be aware? i know everyone's sick of the drama at this point, and even discussion of it, hence a "here's a link don't talk about it" idea. but toxic folks like dreamie usually come back and ppl recognizing it i think would be helpful bc it bogged down nc as a whole :Ia
strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

this also wouldn't be a popcorn.gif for funsies dramafest, like a legit "here's what happened, it sucked, if dreamie returns let's ignore it" sorta deal

pomelo 1 year ago

ngl im kinda curious.

allyratworld 1 year ago

Honestly it might be good to if nothing else teach kids using neocities to stop blindly following every weird adult they see online.

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strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

that's a really good point. in my research on the situation (past what i personally witnessed) it turns out dreamie had an almost modus operandie of befriending minors then playing on their sympathies to have them defend it

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

this is taking longer to write than i thought it would bc there is even more to sort and process here than i was initially aware of and i'm struggling to lay down the facts without it being too callout post-y

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

also struggling to not give any Opinions lmao

i guess u could say... tumor was a cancer that needed to be excised BI
arandomsite 1 year ago

what is this tumor yall r talking abt

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

that one got super passive aggressive with me, had at least four websites i can think off the top of my head, was found to be liar several times, and couldn't go ANYWHERE without any drama, frankly abused the timeline feature... i usually only post about coding/web dev but honestly i genuinely think this subject is relevant and that it's good for the nc community as a whole that lullabye/starbit/strawbabie/tumor left

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

@random a very toxic user notorious for drama

nandoesherbest 1 year ago

i was hoping someone'd make this joke, srsly

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

sorry to be a hater fam but i am personally popping bottles lol

hung up on a toybox bc idk how to organize it lmao
i regret to inform some of y'all public personal websites don't offer much in ways of boundaries. i don't mean this in a catty or sarcastic way, i mean literally you can't really stop the ppl on your "byf" or "dni" lists from accessing your old-web styled site or linking it. you've mistaken neocities for a social media platform, when it's a hosting service
strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

literally from the tos: You understand that information available to you through Neocities may include materials that are unedited, sexually explicit or offensive to you and that your access to such materials is at your own risk. Neocities and its affiliates hereby disclaim any responsibility for or control over such materials.

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

they DO have anti harassment, threat, and harm to minors clauses, but another user linking your website even if they're a proshipper or part of a cult or w/e doesn't count

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

a user you don't like linking your site: not harassment. someone in particular leaving several nasty messages on your profile feed: harassment. i can give more examples as necessary

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

another example is i didn't like seeing the a blinkie that says "i h8 r slur" on someone's site, but like. i can't really do much about it except click the x on my browser and otherwise ignore that site. because it's on their site neocities wouldn't consider it harassment or threatening so they won't do anything about it either

auqquantifyqhqu 1 year ago

When people say "this is my private website" it kind of makes me laugh because no. Neocities is not private. Even if you password protect your website. There is no backend support for neocities if you want a private website don't publish it onto the internet.

strawberry-gashes 1 year ago

the vast majority of the net is not private and i don't know how we got to where ppl aren't aware of it lol

fam there was no way to block ppl on the old web. what you do is not engage with the site or give attention to the webmaster of it. catch 22 for me to even say the name lmao, but basically just don't engage. bad publicity is still publicity. this includes asking ppl not to linky your site. other ppl will know you're not associated by way of YOU not linking THEM

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CreatedJan 11, 2020
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