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Updated my Links page, Stamps, UTDR Shrines, Guestbook, and Sitemap! I just figured out how to create drop down menus, and this was a huge game changer!! Feeling satisfied with my progress today.
I recieved a very sweet comment on my Guestbook asking for help with the html coding for my sidebar. I unfortunately don't know who you are, and I don't have a way to contact you. But my site is open-source, so if you Right Click and go to "View Page Source" you will be able to see my html code. My site's layout and code is heavily referenced from I also have a Web Resources page
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sugarblush 1 year ago

I've now added another section on my Guestbook page where people can put down their website or email address if they so wish, this way if someone has a question for me I can answer them! The name and contact sections on my Guestbook are optional, so anyone can also send anonymous messages if they prefer c:

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Thank you!!

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Hi nonkiru! :3 I am working on my art gallery and I've been referencing your use of Fancybox code, it's been extremely helpful c: Something I don't understand is that when I click on the box and the full image is shown on my screen, the page of my website gets pushed to the far right side of my screen. Do you have an idea of what's causing this?
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nonkiru 1 year ago

Looks like the class "fancybox-active compensate-for-scrollbar" is causing it, and specifically the rule "margin-right: 17px;" is pushing everything to the right. Give tweaking that go, and let me know if that works!

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Thank you a lot for the suggestion! Sorry, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding the "margin-right: 17px;" rule you found haha, I keep using control f but nothing comes up. Is it in the js file or the css file?

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sugarblush 1 year ago

Nevermind, I found it and solved the issue! Thank you non :3

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CreatedNov 10, 2022
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