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jeas i love you your site to me will always be associated with friendship and happiness and togetherness. one)because we are friends and i luh you brotha. tw0) last year my teacher invited a friend from china over to play music, teachers friend loves tango and strives to be the best female tango player ever since there is apparently a lot of misogyny in the tango playiong world. the friend (who has amazing big pants)
plasticveggies 1 year ago

(cont) brought her partner with it and they were so synchronized it was beautiful. like they freestyled and it sounded perfectly coordinated because they worked so well together. tango is a beautiful genre and you are my beautiful friend jess i love you

plasticveggies 1 year ago

sorry tldr the word tango reminds me of you and those awesome musicians :P

flareythecat 1 year ago

i am not jess but this is such a cool story and i enjoyed reading it ALSO this has inspired me to do a deepdive on tango

tangotrail 1 year ago

i think its things like this that are why i always feel like im mentally communicating in sync to u even when im not using my computer

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tangotrail 1 year ago

forreal. i love u too. going beyond words would explain it better than anything else. you know how luigi and mario. yeah. i feel like luigi and mario

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plasticveggies 1 year ago

real. mairo and luigi. which one woud you be brotha

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tangotrail 1 year ago

i would probably be mario if you are luigi but its cuz u would be luigi but also we could both be luigi like clones

is there a way i could see a larger version of the character with blue/black hair and yellow background? that is a cool design. thanks -
tangotrail 1 year ago

yea! actually heres a picture of her where its not just up in her face on the view of the drawing

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tangotrail 1 year ago

OOPS MY BAD SHES 6'1 NOT 6'11. im not sure why i added an extra 1

hi luckas
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i love ur sites layout its so loveningly stylized. it makes me want to include my music on my site
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dugalcedo 1 year ago

thank you! :D

i likw
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shout outt so good come to the swag shack and party everyone come on
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flareythecat 1 year ago

come on erryone we got so many coolguys here we got mr silly the smoking devil worm and we got john pork the puppeteer of modern society fashion we got irvine hughes the gay one and we got eddie the strange

i like to smoke crack with my little devil worm
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flareythecat 1 year ago

you me and the devil worm is the dream blunt rotation

flareythecat 1 year ago

john pork can watch us

get ready 4 this

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CreatedJun 27, 2018
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