step inside the dream. . .

2,949 updates
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i'm...alive....??? (๑ ˊ͈ ᐞ ˋ͈ )ƅ̋
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you are the sweetest person and have the cutest neocities site i have ever seen, the part with your love of the ddr melt my heart TxT (i feel so happy to find an another person who loves ddr X3)
I hope life is treating you wonderfully, dear. :)
Lovely site
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ssooo000oooo....i broke my nose. lol.
temperamental 5 years ago

get well soon!

teddybear-halo 5 years ago

♥ ♥ ♥ ;O;

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Oh noooose! I did that once - caught a spear in the face at an SCA event. :)

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hello! sorry i'm so late to follow you back--i remember enjoying your log so much when i first stumbled across your site, but i must have forgotten to hit the 'follow' button... ;__; anyway, just wanted to say your photos are very nice and i really enjoy your site! thank you for following me too! ♥ ;O;
jackomix 5 years ago

>talking to *turd* saying they enjoyed their *log* (immature humor)

turd 5 years ago

hi, it's no problem and thank you! it's always kind of strange when I realize that people actually read my logs I'm feeling a bit shy now haha:p thanks again!

turd 5 years ago

@jackomix: never thought of I don't know whether I love or hate my life

teddybear-halo 5 years ago

this update took a lot out of me... ;__; fixed some code here and wrote a big ole entry about how much i love neocities, basically !! thank you again for enjoying my site, everyone, it means so much to me ♥♥♥

empeethree 5 years ago

this is awesome

i'm seeing DJ S3rl tomorrow night & i'm losing my mind !!!
roachparade 5 years ago

omg, i envy. i love his stuff, and have since the early 2000s! :') have a good time.

teddybear-halo 5 years ago

ohh~ i thought i would be able to find another S3rl fan here on neocities :'))) he's awesome! his music makes me super nostalgic, i'm so stoked to hear it in person. not sure where you're from, but he's on a US tour rn? thank you so much!! ♥

roachparade 5 years ago

alas, i'm from the uk. hopefully he'll be here at some point though! (also i meant 2010s not early 2000s. oops)

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i wore lolita today, went to the library bought one of my dream dresses off of lacemarket, and voted for the prelims in my state....!! today was a rly exciting day!!
teddybear-halo 5 years ago

also apologies for not updating my site properly, i'd love to do a proper return soon but rn life is so crazy...more family complications :( love& miss the community so much though, thank you SO much for all of the follows!! ♥♥♥

teddybear-halo 5 years ago

dammit, i meant to use more commas... '*went to the library, bought one of my dream dresses...'

Hey, for some reason none of the main navigation links work on the enteringthedream.html page when using Firefox or Internet Explorer. They seem to work on Opera, though.
teddybear-halo 5 years ago

oh geez...seems you're right...i haven't the slightest clue why. how worrisome... :\ i don't know css very well, but the sensitivity of the buttons is kind of weird--even in Chrome and on Opera you have to click directly on the text for them to work. i'll consider going back to old-fashioned links, i think. thanks for the heads up, much appreciated! ♥

quokka 5 years ago

Put the anchor tags on the outside of the button instead of on the inside.

quokka 5 years ago

or use onclick to redirect.

arkmsworld 5 years ago

HTML specs don't seem to like the idea of a link inside of a button, but, like quokka says, you could put the button inside of the anchor tags(even if it does work on Chrome). See here -> You could also just ditch the button tags and style the anchors to give them the same look.

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Buttons are really meant to be used if you're attaching them to a Javascript onclick event. But that would be complicating things more than is necessary for a page link...

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CreatedSep 29, 2017
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personal diary nostalgia