teppy's layouts & tips

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damn your layoutes are the best! i used one of them called windows terminal for my website!
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teppyslayouts 1 day ago

waaa thank you so much, glad something was useful!!

love your tutorials, I used one of your layouts as a base code for my own, thankyou so much! I was able to experiment and learn easily
HALLO! BEAUTIFUL SIDE! if you wanted to try and fix the home page iframe:
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teppyslayouts 2 weeks ago

you can look for "01home.html" in line 43 of home.html, and replace it with your "home2.html" ! ! hopefully this will fix it. the colors and graphics on your site are so awesome and i love it and i am happy

radiationcat 2 weeks ago

TYSM OMG I DONT KNOW HOW I MISSED THAT LMFAOOO... mustve been a hurry trying to figure out why my layout broke :sob:.. THANK YOU!!!

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4 new layouts out now ! ! (。・∀・)
veyther 2 weeks ago

Lets goooo!!!!! Honestly I don't think I ever said anything but my first layout was actually one of yours!!! and I kept the black and yellow aesthetic

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teppyslayouts 2 weeks ago

wahoo ! thank you I am honored. the atmosphere of all the content on your site is really cool. I loved Aether's End's page it is TOO COOL

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teppy, i used layour #9 and it suddenly broke! i have no idea what happened, i just tried to copy and paste all the code again and its still broken! im sorry to ask but has this happened to anyone else?
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radiationcat 1 month ago

i did make some edits to the layout(added more navi buttons, added some pagedolls, shifted a few pixel values(though those didnt seem to do anything?) ) but nothing crazy, i thought.. and if that was what broke it, wouldnt re-pasting the original code fix it? im at a total loss! im on firefox, so maybe that has something to do with it?

radiationcat 1 month ago

just tried it on chrome, its not broken... im so confused, it was working perfectly fine yesterday

radiationcat 1 month ago

hey.. so i figured it out lmfao, turns out i just had to clear my cookies, sorry LOL!! i don't know exactly what cookie caused it, but its fixed now ;^^

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teppyslayouts 2 weeks ago

I don't know how cookies would have affected it either D: but glad it fixed. thank you for making the layout beautiful

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Thank you so much for your layouts! I used two of yours to steal bits of code from, and it was a really fun little puzzle solving project!
teppyslayouts 2 months ago

GOOD yes love you

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CreatedAug 25, 2022
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