the digital diarist | alicia neptune

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We are really loving your website. It's such a wonderful design. Can't wait to dig deeper into your content :)
thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

thanks! the retro vibe of your site is rad. and the trailer for The Brat Snack looks great! l'm a sucker for an 80s teen movie throwback :D

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catcatproductions 3 years ago

Oh you're gonna love Brat Snack then! We are working on releasing it soon. Thanks so much for checking it out :)

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thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

oh look! buttons!

Hi Alicia, I just discovered your website here... and that there is, or was, a thing called VEDS; I totally missed that and will make a note of it for next year! I also noticed on my clicky-travels that your site's button, while professing to be 88x31, is actually 88x33 ;-)
thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

hi brian! the VEDS crew is a small but welcoming community and I'm sure everyone would be glad to have another vlogger join the ranks next september! as for my site's button, I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. it's 88x31! at least, it is now ;)

thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

big ol' update on the homepage, folks: new RSS feed for updates, new film commentary podcast feat. me and my internet pals, a welcome to aegi, and some other assorted nonsense 💙

aegi 3 years ago

Wow thanks for the warm welcome, that is so sweet! And I feel you on Nanowrimo, I have trouble beating my 20k wordcount from a few years ago and this year had been the first one in a long while where I haven't even made an attempt, oops. But that's okay, just not a priority!

Hiii, thanks so much for recommending #Toksvigs, I had tons of fun reading through the thread. :D I'm also working my way through the interactive fiction you have linked, they're so much fun! You have excellent taste.
thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

you're so welcome! glad you're enjoying :D

1 like
0x07 3 years ago

I really get a kick out of the curated material at /links/free-resources.html. Really useful! (and bookmarked) :)

thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

so glad to hear that!

0x07 3 years ago

...also I kinda missed your contagious enthusiasm around here (and the VEDS); had to find a cheesy way to say Hi! "A MARI USQUE AD MARE." ;)

1 like
thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

aww hi! my creative energy does tend to come in bursts, then I disappear... and lol :D

1 like
thanks for following! ^_^
Hello, if there is anything you need, please ask
you are building an aesthetic here and let me just say I like it :D
facilitycontrol 3 years ago

wow thanks a bunch! i noticed that my site's view count is really high and I just assumed that it was me refreshing the page over and over haha. didn't realizing people were checking it out!

thedigitaldiarist 3 years ago

that's the scary-exciting thing about the activity feed: sometimes people stop by while you're still building stuff :P

everythingandmorethings 3 years ago

Exactly what I think --which is kind of scary if you ask me.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedFeb 3, 2020
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personal writing journaling movies books