draco's super swag website thingy

10,645 updates
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back from vacation!!! should start updating my site again soon lol, not today though i’m kinda tired ^^;
OMG THANKS FOR FOLLOWING, also yes you can adopt berk and friend!! haha this is really late sorry, i was on vacation without wifi for three weeks WHOOPS
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hey yall! just letting you guys know i'll be on vacation for the next two weeks and won't be able to do much in terms of site stuff. i'll still probably check my activity feed once in a while, but the site won't be updated until i get back! see ya :]
pomelo 2 years ago

have fun!

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i love your little critter adoption thing!! :D may i claim Berk and Friend?
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ok yall i need some Help. i recently moved all my favicons to a different folder and none of them are showing up? do they need to be kept in the main directory or did i do sth wrong
arremeer 2 years ago

They don't need to be in the main directory, you just need to specify which folder they are on if you haven't already. For example, if before you used "/favicon.png", you'll have to write "/folder/favicon.png". Hope that helps, sorry if I couldn't explain it very well ^^;

koinuko 2 years ago

I don't know if they have to be in the same directory or not, but moving files around can always be tricky especially if you're trying to load an image that's in a more general folder - I would double check all your ref links in the actual html pages and make sure they've been updated! And sometimes neocities is a little slow to show updates when you're changing locations too.

pomelo 2 years ago

Try doing a hard refresh, sometimes websites rely a bit too hard on cache do a shift+F5 on the page and see if it shows

pomelo 2 years ago

oops i mean ctrl+f5

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theenderdraco 2 years ago

ah, got it working again! thanks yall :]

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Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedApr 10, 2021
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personal fun art random themeparks