Some Thoughts About Stuff

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Great to see you updating again.
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historicalgames 3 years ago

Thanks! Several months ago, I was getting ready to make some changes, and then I signed up to do my web design internship this summer. I got too busy to do any work on my own sites. I just finished the internship, and now, I've got to do a little more housekeeping on the site before I can move forward. I'm going through the links on my bibliography pages and weeding out ones that don't work anymore.

historicalgames 3 years ago

I haven't been happy with the site navigation for some time, and I'm trying to make the site more mobile-friendly. The image-based buttons will be disappearing soon, to be replaced by button that are entirely CSS. I'm still not completely sure of the styles, but I've got the site backed up the way it is, so I can restore it if I don't like the results.

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thoughts-about-stuff 3 years ago

This page is now complete, including phonetic translation.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedMar 6, 2020
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language philosophy politics