The web site of tinypaws

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Thankies for the follow :D
what?! o.o i thought i followed your site ages ago. i like your intro page; nothing like the feeling of diving into a pool of colorful water LOL
paintkiller 1 year ago

How did Pixie get along with Pudge (awesome name!) and Turbo? So cute!

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tinypaws 1 year ago

I love Tubro,, hes such a sweet heart and i think Pudge will be once he gets out of that fear stage some larger dogs go through in puppyhood. i however dont think Pixie liked them very much LOL she'd hide in behind my back whenever they got in her personal bubble and them being puppies dont understand the whole 'personal space' thing just yet so i kept her up in the chair with me for the most part

readingproject 1 year ago

Lucy gets the zoomies when she gets home after walks. She tears up and down the house until she is out of breath. Must be a dog thing.

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tinypaws 1 year ago

LOL yeah. you can do some stuff that might trigger them into doing zoomies too. like shuffling your feet and slowly creeping up on to them with your arm extended and hand held weird('claw hand') and pretend youre gunna reach down and grab them. this usually gets my dog into zoomies :D oh and after bathtime always sends her into zoomies mode LOL

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you have such a cute site! i rather like the bow ribbon navigation :D
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Thankya for the follow! :D awesome photo page. you have a good eye
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Thankies for the follow :D
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paintkiller 1 year ago

The trees the woodpeckers had a time with are absolutely amazing. Wow.

hi, Carol! I am currently playing the game you recommended a month ago! the A Walk in the Dark. It's difficult yet fun to play! Hug Pixie for meee! <3 I just followed her on Instagram! <3 Cutiie little baby!
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tinypaws 1 year ago

Hi there! now you know what i meant by aggravatingly challenging LOL but at least it's fun at the same time :D will do when she gets done snoozing on my foot LOL also thankyou for the follows both here and on Instagram! she sure is and she knows it too ^^

so cute! love the colors/layout so far
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ellsbells 1 year ago

Thank you so much, and thanks for the inspiration to even do the site! :) Lots of stuff to tweak to get the theme howI want, but it'll stick fairly close to the placeholder colors/etc - I think :)

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readingproject 1 year ago

I guess woodpeckers might be a nuisance where you live, but from my perspective in Australia, that's pretty cool!

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tinypaws 1 year ago

they go after bugs inside the tree so theyre more of natures little helper for trees but as you can see they can go a bit too crazy too LOL we had a couple that pecked a good size chunk out of a cedar tree near the house and to curb them from making it bigger we nailed 2X4 fencing around the hole. bye bye woodpeckers and the tree is still alive and well several years later

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 31, 2015
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pets chihuahua dog animals cute