The web site of tinypaws

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Your front page made me very hesitant on clicking the Enter button but once i clicked i was delighted to see it wasnt at all like i thought it was going to be :D
39friend 5 years ago

OH im sorry... i dont mean for it to be bad or scary.. im glad it wasnt what you expected though, haha.

tinypaws 5 years ago

It actually made it more fun an suiting with halloween right around the corner :)

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39friend 5 years ago

oh nice :D! thats really cool to be honest.. i didn't even think of that

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Cute page :D
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... i feel weird saying this cuz im not a fan of pink unless its on flowers/other naturey things but i like your layout :D
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neofur 5 years ago

thank you!!

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

oh, spooky cuties!

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Whats ZEE Pages? it sounds familar an not so familar at the sametime.
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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

ZEE were a synthpop/Techno duo from the mid 1980s and are generally quite obscure they only did one album, which is called ''Identity'', and it was nevsr released in the USA from what i know of, ZEE pages are about the duo. i absolutely loved Identity.

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago here is one of the more ''accessable'' songs they did.

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tinypaws 5 years ago

Hm... than i most likely havent heard of their stuff after all. catchy song. now im going to have it stuck in my head

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

catchy, but beautiful.

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It really is a shame that something so old school isnt a option on Neocities an to have to use a old as dirt version of any browser to achive being able to play something so simple is just plane silly.
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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

you know what tiny, i cannot get neocities to work on the PSP webbrowser, which is a shame, because sicklycarpet would look good on the sony PSP

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x_O how does one get mid files to play or even embed on webpages anymore? looks like the codes have changed over the years along with the browser/s
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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

believe me tinypaws, i been trying to figure that one all month... D-X

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Back in the summer of 2014, Chrome and Firefox still were set up to play midi files. Then, for a very brief time Firefox would play midis, but only if you had Quicktime installed). They don't anymore, at least not that I've found, and I tried a lot of ways of embedding midis back then. It's a shame too. They really need to bring that ability back.

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Addendum: I DO remember coming across this a couple of years back which might be exactly what you're looking for. ->

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tinypaws 5 years ago

I used to have several webpages that i added mid files back in the day. i remember you could have the player totally hidden or have it displayed on your page somewhere,, you could even change the size of the player to what you wanted with coding. or you could just have it display the play/pause button. those were the days. i'll give this Java thingy a try. an im glad im not the only one trying to figure this out :)

sicklycarpet 5 years ago

i did do something on one of my ZEE pages before i signed to neocities, which played tiny, grainy .WAV or .AU files, these were 8bit mono and about 8000khz in effort to replicate the mark1 CMI music computer of the late 70's, i am not sure if i deleted my effort in rage when i found that free neocities accounts do not allow .WAV uploads.

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sicklycarpet 5 years ago

I think firefox should have an extension for midi, i have to use an older version of fox, 'cos i use the unsupported XP OS. I don't know about chrome though.

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Yeah, that's actually my only "gripe" about Neocities, is that you can't upload wav files with a free account. Seems like yu should be able to since both midi and wav files are part of "old school" website development.

sicklycarpet 5 years ago

To: arkmsworld. so darn true, what is oldskool web dev without a spam .wav?

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Cute page :)
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I was expecting your site to be about vitamin or vitamin related in someway an couldnt help but smile when i seen its not about vitamins/vitamin related in anyway
sicklycarpet 5 years ago

looks can be decieving!

onthe12thfloor 5 years ago

Omg haha... I might need to make a page about that!

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Who knew robber flies are actually cute. in their...own kinda way LOL thank you for sharing :)
sicklycarpet 5 years ago

they are certainly nicer then robber humans!!!!

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tinypaws 5 years ago

LOL so ture

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roachparade 5 years ago

They are, extremely! haha yeah though, definitely better than robber humans.

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CreatedMay 31, 2015
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pets chihuahua dog animals cute