troy sucks central

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600 update special!! everyone gets oneandahalf FREE cupcakes!!!!!
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troy-sucks 2 years ago

also this website just broke 10 followers?????? thats like such a huge milestone thank you guys so much :,]]]]]]]]]]

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hi hi!! me and a couple of neofriends are trading discord users (me and scourgescloset and vastrecs, btw) and we would like you to join our fresh funky new gc!!! if you dont wanna share your discord publicly, my user is triin#2242 ! we can talk about coding and transing the internet and nonbinarying the binary :]]]]
odditycommoddity 2 years ago

hi!!! i would love to, but sadly i fit one of ur friends' dni criteria (scourgesclosets', im a dream/dsmp disliker lol) so itd probably be best if i didnt. i hope u guys have fun tho!!!

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troy-sucks 2 years ago

oh okay we talk about mostly coding stuff tho, but ig i respect your opinion, have a nice day :]

scourgescloset 2 years ago

can u send me a link to the dni page you saw? from that i can remember, i dont have a dni page and any dni page i do have is likely outdated. i dont like dsmp anymore and i can understand why one wouldnt. i dont have anything against anyone who dislikes it /gen

scourgescloset 2 years ago

nvm i think ik wut dni page u were looking at! my old carrd had it lol. that carrd was created about a year ago when i was like partially in the fandom and kinda fading out, i thought i had removed the link to that carrd from my socials already, but i guess i didnt. thanks 4 commenting abt it cuz i wouldntve noticed otherwise!

odditycommoddity 2 years ago

AHH oki i see!! ill come and pop in then :-)!!

hi hi!!! me and scourgescloset were wondering if we could share discord users and make a cisnt coders discord gc? my dicord is triin#2242 if you dont wanna share publicly :]]]
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vastrecs 2 years ago

ohhh that sounds cooll!!! mines divinityinfinity#9715, sent you a friends requestt

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hey im gonna send a discorb friend rq in a bit!! just letting you know now so that when i do youre not like "whos this guy lmao" my username is going to be triin and ill have a trans pfp just letting you know rn (im am super paranoif)
scourgescloset 2 years ago

okay!! thanks 4 tellin me xd

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vastrecs 2 years ago

hiiii, i sent in a discord friend request tooo

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troy-sucks 2 years ago

added a placeholder favicon until im able to make one on my phone bcoz im at school rn >:0 also im going to make a custom cursor! any suggestions of what it should be? bcoz im brainstorming rn but i have no good ideas ://

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hi!!!! i wonder if i could have my button on your site? i found your site thru my neoneighbor odditycommodity, and ur site seems pretty cool! so, just asking. you dont have to add it ofc lol
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irony-machine 2 years ago

Oh, for sure! It's a cool button and a cool site, I also enjoy paper thingies

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troy-sucks 2 years ago

!thanks! (also hello fellow paper thingies enjoyer)

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CreatedNov 1, 2021
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