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Love your style!
m0r1bund 1 year ago

: -D Thank you so much for taking a look and for the kind words!!

1 like
Your Hamster Care shrine made me feel nostalgic and emotional. I took care of pet hamsters during my high school years and it's amazing how such little creatures are able to bring so much happiness in one person's life. I have so many happy memories about them, and your shrine (especially the Rainbow Bridge section) made them come back all at once. Thank you <3
When I first started to surf the web back in the late 90s, the majority of places I used to visit were Pokèmon fansites, shrines and archives full of gaming tricks, reviews and news. I'm so glad to still see webpages like this around: the trend hasn't died! <3
Lovely site! I like how busy it looks with the vintage ads banners and all those MSN graphics. What a nostalgia trip! I miss those days <3
Oh man these graphics!!! I love everything about them. Also you're very good with retro CGI! Your characters and locations really feel like they belong to a 90s adventure we never got to enjoy back then. My personal fav is the Chrome Devil x3
1 like
warp-zone 1 year ago

aw, thank you so much!!! dont let chrome dev know he's someone's favorite, it'll go right to his head

1 like
Really fun site! The gallery is strongly reminding me of oldschool "activity center" videogames. Heh, my childhood xP
odditycommoddity 1 year ago

THANK U SM!!! that was what I was going for lol :-)

Love love love your web layout! I'm in awe *w*
skykristal 1 year ago

Thank you!!

You got the essence of the 90s condensated in your homepage! <3
1 like
paz01997 1 year ago

T___T thank you so much!!!

Both your old and new fursonas look adorable!
1 like
rubyfire77 1 year ago

thank you so much!! <3

1 like
your site is amazing its like... bespoke
1 like
valycenegative 1 year ago

D'aww thank you!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMay 21, 2022
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collection blog nostalgia personal shrine