wacky works' bench

538 updates
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loooove the fighting game chara buttons <3 esp the way you laid them out on the page like the respective chara select screens
demonedaway 1 month ago

sorry for the late reply but i wanted to say i liked your pages on the Sonic games, very nice

I've been rearranging things on the main page of this site and hopefully it looks alright when finished, I'm now worried my website looks too empty now though and that I need to add more to it to fill the empty space agh!
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wackyworkbench 1 month ago

finally comfortable w/ the layout for my Usagi Yojimbo fanpage, I always have the intent of making smth simple but then continue going until it's more than just a few funny pictures and some text... I want to make simple silly pages but unfortunately I get carried away while coding...

signed up on since a lot of mutuals are using it and I'm becoming more comfortable w/ the idea of being more social online, I rly like how you can use HTML and style tags (I put this in brackets which must've messed w/ the original post I wrote) to customize everything; I thought at first you would have to completely style it in HTML w/ no CSS but it's quite the opposite and I really like that!
wackyworkbench 2 months ago

eventually I'll add the widget to my website, I'm so obsessed rn w/ making a somewhat decent layout for my :)))

stupidgamer 1 month ago

This sounds really cool and I'm thinking about trying it out, I sent an email a while back and I haven't got an email to verify at all for I think a couple days now. Did it take a while for you to get an email? I don't mind waiting if it's like that

wackyworkbench 1 month ago

@stupidgamer yes it takes a few days! I was worried of the same thing when I signed up, I think it is all handled manually so it took abt 4-5 days for me to get my email

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stupidgamer 1 month ago

@wackyworkbench Thanks, wanted to make sure! Took around the same time for me

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 26, 2017
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sonic sega comics tmnt usagiyojimbo