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New blog post: On mobile phones, the small web, and able-bodied privilege -->
tsumugsfish 8 months ago

ive never considered this!! thank you for posting this + sharing your experiences, i'll keep it in mind while designing webpages. ^__^

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whiona 8 months ago

thank you for reading and i'm glad you gained something from my post! :)

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solaria 8 months ago

ive noticed this as well. theres this weird idea that phones=social media. but a phone is just a tiny computer really. and its so easy to make pages mobile accessable. if you have one column all you have to do is make sure your margins are percentages rather than pixels. and if you know enough css to make columns then you should know enough css to be able use media queries for screen width

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qrunchysnaq 8 months ago

This is a great post, and you've made a good argument for responsiveness in web design. And it really isn't hard to do, media queries give you a lot of flexibility. I can't be on my PC a lot bc I'm either at work, or trying to rest off fatigue or a migraine. Responsiveness shouldn't be seen as some kind of concession for the social media crowd (it's not), but allowing more people to access the indie web

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lhfm 8 months ago

Excellent blog post! I agree, but it kind of feels futile trying to convince zoomers who have little coding or technical experience who are nostalgic for a time they never lived in. "Best viewed in chrome at 1920x1080" is one thing, but I've seen people here on Neocities fail to comprehend that the reason why their site looks broken in the thumbnail is because it's a different resolution than their own computer.

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whiona 8 months ago

Fair point. Nostalgia is definitely a driving factor for this sentiment. I suppose if you never browsed the early web, it's easy to see all these fun, old screenshots and think that it was a better time for everyone. In some ways, it was better, but it was definitely an accessibility nightmare. We can bring the good parts of the old web forward with us to 2023, but some things are best left in the past!!

hey, thanks for the follow!! love the colours on your site. your KOS-MOS drawing is dope :)
qrunchysnaq 8 months ago

thank you! :D

what a cute little website aaaaa I love it tysm for the follow
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whiona 8 months ago

thank YOU for the follow back! :> your site is so cute too - love the pink and black! Also, I really appreciated the resources you compiled on the Accessible Net directory. They have been super handy.

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My site won't look much different on the surface, but I've done a bunch of work to convert everything to work with Eleventy! TY for being the only SSG that doesn't make my brain hurt. o7 This should speed up my future workflow by a lot, since I can write everything in Markdown now
wow your site is so pretty and soothing to look at! your font choice and soft shadows behind the sections are subtle but effective, the purple is lovely too ^^
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whiona 8 months ago

Thank you so much!! :') I have sincerely enjoyed poking around your site and can't wait to explore more of it. Your links page has some excellent resources, so thank you for that! (Also, hooray for space-themed sites :D)

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