
2,732 updates
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thank you for the music player on your site... it brings the neocities web surfing experience to a whole new level
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liedown1 1 year ago

oh my thank you, that means a lot to me

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wish i didn't experience fomo this intense :'-)
writing by the water: an imminent to do
Is there a way to keep my update activity private? So that only people on Neocities can see it. I've been updating my diary thinking my activity wouldn't be public but it seems like if you enter the URL you can see it all. Feelin weirdly exposed — I want to disable site profile for those without a Neocities account, is that possible?
pomelo 1 year ago

As far as I know there is no way to make your profile private, I guess the best you can do is delete the update post :(

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yardonthirdstreet 1 year ago

@pomelo ah thank you... hm i'm hesitant to because i really do enjoy seeing who's come across my recent updates, and having a thousand pages it's probably not worth it...? hm

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yardonthirdstreet 1 year ago

not a thousand* in the thirties, but it's been almost 2k updates i guess

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nohappynonsense 1 year ago

just save a page with a nothing update, then delete the activity post. older activity posts won't update with your latest activity, so if you have a secret page you want to keep secret, just remove the activity for the day as pomelo mentioned.

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note to self to try reading punisher iconography through the sublime;
hello !! i have five more academic articles to rag and then the basic text formatting is near done!! then its just figuring out how photos and images work, and throwing together a cover. tonight will be a grind
noodledesk 1 year ago

good luck <3 :)

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the stuff you listen to during the teen years really does hit different a few years later huh. the same band, making new music that still has that nostalgic tinge to it.
ok i kind of did 1.5 of the things i needed to do, but re: the book i have indeed started some sketches. i hope the next time i post i will be at least relatively content.
ah i have things to do. and i know that procrastination is an emotional coping mechanism. they say taking action is what generates momentum and gets you motivated, so let this post be that launching point where i finally, _finally_ start working on this book that needs to be fully designed and shipped off in like. a week.
turd 1 year ago

you got this! <3

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 13, 2021
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art personal diary