welcum to yeagh

3,864 updates
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i also changed from having the css code just typed into each html file and made it one css file for some convenience for making new pages
Only 0.3% of my space has been used. :)
decided to use a stock image background
jello net is best net
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I have Comic Sans'ed my website. G R A P H I C . D E S I G N . I S . M Y . P A S S I O N
The "DON'T CALL THE IMPOSTOR AT 3AM" video came out on my birthday, oh my fucking god.
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So I had this running joke in ELA class where everything would be my dad's fault after I vented publicly about my father being a dick, (Others started the joke, not me.) now that he's about to die and I've forgiven him with all the stuff he's done, the joke kinda stopped being funny to me, how the hell do I get them to stop?
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misswannabe 2 years ago

I know that I'm not gonna be super helpful, but maybe saying "okay, I seriously don't like the jokes, I want you all to stop" would do something... (Super helpful, I know!!)

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yeagh 2 years ago

Honestly, I feel like they'd still do it, but at this point it's the only option lmao

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some context for this: i have dry af skin; my teacher said "maybe if you put some lotion on your skin, the connection to your brain wouldn't be so dry" :(
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man i sure love getting harassed in school over a game am i right
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJan 6, 2021
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