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I'm boutta start using booleans, randomizers and switch statements in the cake baking game so be ready to witness jumbled script if you have the balls to open inspect element.
All the games in this website are self insert anyways so who cares lol it's my personal site :P
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Yes it will be possible to burn the cake in the game. The idea is u get to make ur own cake, you are given a randomly generated recipe containing the number of times u must mix the batter, the oven time and oven heat. Follow those correctly and you'll get a perfect cake you can decorate however u want. Get it wrong, you can still decorate the cake but it'll have a funky taste and your score will go down.
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yumekawahanachi 1 year ago

I also intend in the future if I do get a boyfriend who'll stay wit me someday, I'll basically insert him into the game as a judge with voice lines. Basically it'll play cutscenes depending on how well u followed the recipe.

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I'm feeling a bit better now, I think I can get to working on my cake baking game soon. Just set up my base for it. But I'll have to wait until my unlimited mobile data comes back or mom buys a wifi modem.
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yumekawahanachi 1 year ago

Most of its assets are complete but I'm still working on the assets for a burnt cake, sprinkle containers and more UI parts.

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Tbh my bf dumped me, it hurta lot but we still close friends like we originally started out, he felt he just couldn't keep up with my dreams to form a duo. But he said inthe future once I finish school, he'll help me go through my options of other goth guys who might be interested in my musical ambitions so that's lit.
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New song I made in my favorite tunes playlist, it's a Japanese metalcore vocal cover of a German emo rock song, check it out lol. I made it to demonstrate my lyric writing and vocal skills.
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Boutta use ur wardrobe as my fashion guide once I can finally start dressing how I want (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
allyratworld 1 year ago

Ahh thanks so much!! I hope you can dress how you want soon!!!

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Actually I'll take a longer hiatus from the site, lifes not going ok rn
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CreatedMar 17, 2023
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