2Bit - A website about 2bit stuff.

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That error happened when I tried to follow networkingneighborhood's hub page in hopes of being followed back.
My site only appears on the site lists after I sign in. This is very odd.
freeflashgames 8 years ago

Yeah, It also says I'm not Following you on my page same with following me :(

1034co 8 years ago

Used to be the opposite.

2bit 8 years ago

Do you know what happened to the Asterich site? It disapeared all of a dudden.

2bit 8 years ago

*sudden lol

What happened? Why did you stop following me?
2bit 8 years ago

I think its an issue with the site. I noticed that I don't show up on many people's who I follow. And for some reason I'm not on the front page anymore.

1034co 8 years ago

@journeythroughtamerica That's why you stopped following me? Because of a glitch?

2bit 8 years ago

Neocities automatically made my site unfollow you for some reason. I had to click the follow button twice to get it to work agian.

Holy shit i lost my cursor in that 404 page.
2bit 8 years ago

your cursor probably got noscoped by snoop dogg. Sorry about that.

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1034co 8 years ago

@journeythroughamerica Your epileptic viewers got "noscoped" by all the flashing lights because they didn't expect to go to a flashing page when navigating something supposedly in your website that doesn't exist or a broken link. Especially when anyone can randomly get epilepsy out of nowhere. The only exception to this is if they are following you, but not everyone follows you.

2bit 8 years ago

@1034, I agree that the page could cause epileptic seizures, but if something like that could trigger a seizure, probably a site jittering while loading could do it too. I don't think people with a severe condition should really be on the internet.

Thank you for following me.
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2bit 8 years ago

no prob! I can see that you're a fan of CWC. I'm currently working on an interactive map of CWCville.

1034co 8 years ago

@journeythroughtamerica I'm not necessarily a fan of CWC, I was just inspired by him to make anime and manga.

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CreatedMay 29, 2015
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