and now...

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and now... was updated.
2 years ago
nohappynonsense 2 years ago

everybody get in here, new Crable dropped

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andnow 2 years ago

I've learned that some words end in the same sounds.

and now... was updated.
3 years ago
i saw your work on ear rat mag vol.2, just wanted to stop by and say your site is also very cool :)
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andnow 3 years ago

Thank you. Ear Rat is pretty cool; there's a lot of good writers and artists in there. Your artwork is really great.

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I loved your little narrative on watches. Sometimes I cringe at my peers throwing around their smartwatches like they're made of nothing: they're just a total redundancy to their phones, anyway (they won't admit that, though).
andnow 3 years ago

Thank you! It is really nice to know that you liked it. Yes people do get wrapped up in tech sometimes, when the relationships that technology helps us cultivate are the important things. In real life my grandpa is a very bad tipper and wears a Timex.

elaboraet 3 years ago

Definitely. I forgot to add that I own a single mechanical watch, maybe from the 60s, but can absolutely relate to much of what you wrote.

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and now... was updated.
3 years ago
1 like
Once we meme ourselves into dystopia, I'm not sure it will be as funny. Or maybe it would be even funnier. I can't tell anymore. i like this
andnow 4 years ago

Thank you! I am leaning toward "even funnier."

top notch
1 like
andnow 4 years ago

Your site is really great. I like those midnite pictures a LOT.

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geouniversal 4 years ago

this is the best to hear. thank you so much

and now... was updated.
4 years ago
haha i'm collecting and storing all of your websites in my brain and you can't even stop me.
nice! :•
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJul 7, 2016
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design drawing writing poetry