O J O U S A M A !

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a nene fanlisting is currently in the works.... idk if anyone is interested in that but know she is coming for you. ( ̄▽ ̄)/
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cloverbell 4 months ago

Alpacasso!! I collect alpacasso too, I miss when they were popular enough to have a community around them on tumblr— I got most of my alpacasso through trades and sales on there. I was planning to make an alpacasso shrine too! What is your favorite alpacasso/series or do you have a certain dream alpacasso? Mine is the beige sailor baby in a large size!

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androidgirl 4 months ago

that is so cool! i wish i was very involved in the community at that time it must have been so fun, i have heavy nostalgia for the "peak" of the online hype around them as well >__< i really enjoy the fluffy hood series and the flower crown series, but my dream alpacasso is definetly the white royal prince series in the largest size ♡ ~('▽^人) i really hope you can obtain your dream paca soon, his little hat is cute!

cloverbell 4 months ago

I have a lot of nostalgia for that time too! T__T I was too young when they were at their peak so I didn’t have money to spend on them. When I started getting money the community was just dying out so I bought a lot of cheap alpacas from people who were leaving the hobby.. I have the white + pink hood baby alpacasso! if I make a shrine I’ll definitely include a rundown of my collection lol!

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cloverbell 4 months ago

and thank you! I have him in standard size and he’s super adorable. I always search for him on jp mercari lol… I hope you find your prince paca too!

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androidgirl 4 months ago

i just wanted to say you talking to me about this topic literally helped me find him...... after our talk this morning i decided to go look on jp mercari and there he was for an insane price~ i'm so excited im literally vibrating fdfdgd now i hope buyee's shipping isn't too horrible since hes so big >__<

Hi there!! I was wondering if you might be interested in joining my web listing for adults with cute websites: Cafe Rose! Please check it out <33
androidgirl 4 months ago

hello dear! thank you for showing me this, i will submit an application shortly (ノ*°▽°*)

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hello everyone ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ i have made a button and also added all my mutual's buttons on my resources page~ if you want your button taken down or changed for any reason let me know!
fairyapple 4 months ago

ur site is lovely as alwaysssss i wish i had a button augh

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CreatedJan 4, 2024
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