Anoles, Quails, And Maybe Cattails

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Busy with new job, Pearl Fees are all grown up now so I need to update that, also lost a few elderly quail a few weeks ago. Goodbye Kombucha and Sugarcube <3<3<3 I hope they loved the life I gave them. Ordered an alligator skull, busy on iNat, and trying to be more organized. (I have all the info for my birds, lizard, and skull collection organized, but scheduling my daily tasks... still working on that.)

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Decided to add my skull collection! I hope you enjoy! will be a big wip though..

Your pressed plant collection is absolutely beautiful! I love meeting new people who also collect things from nature.
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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

I also love that you only collected non-endangered plants, and made sure to leave some behind

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elenasplanet 1 year ago

Thank you!! I love collecting abundant plants :D

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

First update in ages. Sorry about that, I have been busy.

owlroost 1 year ago

It's alright to be busy- I'm glad you're out living life!

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I love your art style!
owlcyclops 1 year ago

I don't know what your talking about, that art is stuff that I commissioned from other atists thus why I call it the Commissions Gallery, notice how all of the oc's art looks different, my art is so bad that I just don't care what they look like at all. if there is a positive for me your comment lite a fire under me to ask "hey maybe you should deal with that gallery like get the artists links in there or else?"

owlcyclops 1 year ago

also the code for the Birthday/wishlist and index is from the sadgrl Layout builder so it is not even mine. like notice the words of the Patreons are just heightened, those are supposted to be links that I also was able to break some how. and so when you commented on what those two things I am assuming what you mean I finally got off my butt to do something about it, thus thank you.

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Ah, sorry about that! I thought you were offering to draw for other people, and were giving examples of your work, since some if it looked like it was drawn in a similar way and I've seen other people do that. Sorry about the confusion!

owlcyclops 1 year ago

it's okay, me distracting myself from not doing it is what caused the misunderstanding to begin in the first place. I should have delt with it earlier but I didn't and now I am going to have to wait for the code I just putted in to just show up on the website with the links.

Hi! I finally found what I think is an iron film, not in my own vernal pool but at a friend's. I put the observation here if you want to see it:
jarnbrak 10 months ago

Very late reply but what a cool observation! It's very clear, I usually don't see them so clear! super interesting :-)

Kismet has such a personality! If my lizard Basil had the chance, she'd probably mess with the sun too X-D
Thanks for the follow! I also like ball pythons, wasps, and bats. Personally, idk why so many people hate wasps, but it may be that I have never been stung by one, so I don't have any resentment towards them? I have a friend who found a few wasp larvae in a nest that had fallen, and she ground up flies and hand fed them. She raised them to adults!
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coel 1 year ago

yes ball pythons! woah that wasp story's pretty neat :o how long did it take to raise the wasps?

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

I am not sure, they were paper wasps, I am guessing not long based on the lifespan of a paper wasp.

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bookratsculptures 1 year ago

Wasps are adorable, they don't deserve all the hate they get

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

I agree Lyn, they are such beneficial creatures.

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anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

I have been very busy, so I haven't been able to update the site in awhile. I got my first grounhog skull the other day, and have been cleaning it up, and the baby quail are all grown up now!

anolesquailsandmaybecattails 1 year ago

Also, I updated my quail gallery! Gen 4 are all named after minty plants.

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CreatedSep 16, 2022
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reptiles quail outdoors anoles nature