
2,613 updates
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Working on a new layout, but didn't get round to finishing it tonight. Will get back to it later this week, Merry Christmas everyone! And to my fellow millenials, merry chrysler!!!
arlita 5 months ago

it's crismin !!

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at what point do i legally declare this website as a frank iero stan account because i'm working on a new layout and i accidentally the whole man
maybe i'll get back into blogging now it's getting colder outside and my electric blanket is getting comfier....!
Back in the day there was a blog comment hosting service called Haloscan, where your individual blogs could be commented on in a pop up window - has anyone got any ideas on how one would recreate this? Or if they know of any blog comment hosts?
Also, holy moly at the 'new followers' section!? not sure if i like it yet :O
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just left a webring, which i didn't realise was trans exclusionary. eep, are there any other webrings that are cool to join? fanlistings too! :D
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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedSep 2, 2019
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blog photoshop diary css