lulu's dumb digital diary

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okay, i found a use for my neocities page. I'll be blogging about my personal life, but I'll also be posting about updates to all my other damn sites
beatnik 6 years ago

dont h8 me

how shady would it be to use this page as a splash for my off-neocities homepage until I figure out what else to do with my neocities space? i love this community, i just kinda wanna experiment with my own server
arkmsworld 6 years ago

Perhaps even shadier than the Real Slim Shady, if such a thing were possible. Nah, just kiddin'. It'll be fine.

onthe12thfloor 6 years ago

I already kind of do that, just that I do have a couple pages here, that link to a bigger domain, but I don't know....

websitering 6 years ago

Add a nofollow tag to the link to your site, otherwise Google might ID the Neocities page as a doorway page. Otherwise, it should be fine.

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hey there! thanks so much for following me, i hope you enjoy my site! ♥ ^^ your site is sooo awesome, i'm in love with it!
I'm wondering if I should retire our space, because hyperlink seems a great idea. Do we need two webrings? What do y'all think? If Our Space is still desired, I want to find a way to run it without jscript
codeinfig 6 years ago

youll need a different host to do it without js. also you have no idea how much we need two webrings. people dont get how important real choice is until they dont have one.

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codeinfig 6 years ago

your site is an awesome demo of what you can do with neocities and its a small local network. perhaps hyperlink is great. personally, i have no interest in it yet but why stop doing whats yours, if its cool. at no point did i think "perhaps theres a better webring out there somewhere." the name is also cool: "our space." dont ditch it. dont move it somewhere else. if you lose interest in it, just let it do its thing.

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floppyjay 6 years ago

Back when webrings were popular, there were so many. There was around 20 for horror sites, a bunch for fansites, and just so much more, so I say keep it open.

headache-booth 6 years ago

i like the idea of having both. someone might not like hyperlink's subring idea, whereas someone might not like how ourspace is just one ring.

melonking 6 years ago

I like ourspace and have no desire to join any other rings. If you'd like we could figure out a way to host a version of the ring on danielsnet that would be JS free on the user end, however I feel the JS version is more stable since it does not require an external server.

joppiesaus 6 years ago

I love ourspace and I would not like to see it go away

(I'm not leaving Neocities.)
joppiesaus 6 years ago

have fun experimenting with your own server! It can be a lot of fun! :)

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I'm working on a huge overhaul for my site, so be pateint with it! In other news, wtf is up with my feed being so heckin spammy lately
owlman 6 years ago

Just some FECKING kids - Rocketmix did a thing about it here

beatnik 6 years ago

I swear I know how to spell pashint ;) Man, this is scary. Neocities needs to work on their block function.

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CreatedJul 21, 2017
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