born in a world of strife

2,412 updates
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inkcaps 8 months ago

Wow, this is my first time seeing the updates on your homepage! It's so pretty!!

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i am in awe of your gbf archive ..... that's a phenomenal amount of work and you've laid it all out so beautifully!! and your xeno series page is so comprehensive and informative, i Will be redirecting people to it for sure
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calico 8 months ago

OUGH!? thank you so much. i still have a lot of work ahead of me, but i'm super motivated and looking forward to archiving acts 2 and 3 of gbf's msq!! and uwa thank you too for liking my xeno series guide, there's a lot of love thrown into it and i'm so happy you'll be redirecting people to it!!! <3333

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your site is so gorgeous oh my goodness i think i'm going to explode....... i love it so much..... all the graphics are so pretty and i just love the vibes uwaaaaa
beyondthesky 8 months ago

oh my goodness thank you so much!!! i spent. more time than is probably reasonable choosing all the graphics etc, so i'm so glad you like it!!!

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i've redone the zero escape page! i really wanted to emulate the feel of the game, and i think i've at least kind of achieved that! it does still looks a little bare for my liking, but i think i need a bit of a break from it and at least there's like ... actual Content there now lmfao. i'm currently working on a separate page for Zero Time Dilemma, so stay tuned for that! hopefully i'll have it up soon :3
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CreatedAug 3, 2023
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