Big Gulp Supreme

8,559 updates
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Torn between keeping the site design that people like, or updating it to make it more personal. I really don't even like looking at my index page right now, it feels cluttered and has too much going on. Torn't
biggulpsupreme 5 years ago

Plus, I don't even know what the new design would be.

biggulpsupreme 5 years ago

Melonking's site design is pretty good I feel.

arkmsworld 5 years ago

No need for tearing yourself. The best idea will eventually push through all the other ideas and make itself known. ;) I like Melonking's site too. It has a smooth feel to it.

mutantike 5 years ago

as long as it isnt some CORPORATE BS. im all about the punk rock pizza rolls lifestyle. also +1 for liking melonking

shallot 5 years ago

people might like the sliver of personal already there? expanding it could be just what's right for you and yr audience at the same time

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empeethree 5 years ago

you should upload some GIFs of UFO's

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

I read and watched the same things in elementary school. And I always scanned the skies for UFOs. :)

arkmsworld 5 years ago

Of course, I was a kid back in the 70s and those things were big then.

biggulpsupreme 5 years ago

What prompted it in the 70's? Close encounters of the Third Kind?

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

I guess the great "opening of mind" in the 60's fueled it. There was a lot of spiritual expansion and people were becoming interested in the paranormal, magic, altered states of reality, ghosts and psychic powers, semi-mythical creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, UFOs, etc. Fantasy and Science Fiction were big as well because of the resurgence in the 60s. It was a really interesting/trippy/groovy decade

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arkmsworld 5 years ago

Close Encounters came about because of that interest. There was a great show called In Search Of narrated by Leonard Nimoy which examined these kinds of things. :D

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biggulpsupreme 5 years ago

Updated mah bio

empeethree 5 years ago

the symmeritcal graphics on bio.html sure did catch my eye

If you are following me, and I have not followed back, please, let me know.
Scatman is a solid artist
empeethree 5 years ago

if the Scatman can do it so can you

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I like what you've done with the place. It's taking shape! P.S. I had no idea it was originally acapella. Thanks for introducing me to it.
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empeethree 5 years ago

well, if somebody with a username that pays homage to 7 Eleven is gonna comment to somebody who's username pays homage to the MP3 file format, you know that is a reminder that singer/songwriter Suzanne Vega was born on FREE SLURPEE DAY! She's gonna turn 60 this year, so don't forget to celebrate.

Leaving? I'm sorry to hear it. I hope I'm not too late to say goodbye but I think I am. It was fun having you as a cyber neighbor. Your page is a part of neocities and it'll be a little darker with you. Farewell, friend.

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedDec 1, 2017
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90s art 2000s personal anime