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i love howyou setup your books page! mine is sort of a mess so its very inspiring LOL.. lovely site ^_^
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fairygore 5 months ago

thaaank you :-) well i think yours is charming!

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I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!! marine life fans UNITE!!!!
earthtopaule 5 months ago

YESSSS!!!! always so happy to find another ocean lover :)

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i would like to use flexwrap for my portfolio but i cant figure out how to make it so like. there isnt vertical space between them? is flex capable of that or should i just stick to my column system
nenrikido 5 months ago

You mean you're using flex in general or specifically struggling with the flex-wrap CSS property? Either way, "gap" is how you set gutter width (and height). Here's a link for more detail: Good luck, hopefully this helps!

bondiaries 5 months ago

hmm ok so im using flex so that the three columns that display as blocks line up... gosh idk how to explain. if i remove the display: block columns then they all go into one row... and if i use wrap then they all try to be the same height as the tallest or there's space between the bottom of the shortest and the top of the second level??? does that make sense OTL

hillhouse 5 months ago

am i understanding right that ur trying to make a masonry type layout here? bc if so then yeah using columns + adding media queries to make it responsive on smaller screens is prob ur best bet, flex doesnt rly have an easy way to do masonry layouts (at least that ive found lol)

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bondiaries 5 months ago

THATS what its called.. yea... ok thank you :( thats ok i just didnt want to have to make a bunch of @media things but wat ever. thank you guys for yourhelp ^_^

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aubr 5 months ago

amazing amazing work!!!!

bondiaries 5 months ago

GUYS HELP I FORGOT HOW MUCH ART I MAKE. prolific. this is exhausting

bondiaries 5 months ago

and @ kengo thank you.....

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sneekrealm 5 months ago

suffering from success

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CreatedJul 17, 2023
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personal art tv writing design