Bytemoth's (Astoundingly Effervescent) Brook

945 updates
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bytemoth 4 years ago

Removed a few deleted servers, and added a pre-reboot archive of Leroystan (now Lerowlia).

encounters-ltd 4 years ago

gosh, i hope someone saved neko's server

owlman 4 years ago

Not as far as I can tell, so that's a real pain

hey you think if i sit here long enough the site will get tired of waiting for me and update itself?
personally-comfy 4 years ago

mine already does

geouniversal 4 years ago

are you staring hard enough?

Had a dream where billsworld and owlman teamed up to make a 2cool4fp-esque project dedicated to listing interesting Neocities sites with less than 100K views.
owlman 4 years ago

Funny you say that, as right now I am making a website listing website, but it's not for Neocities' sites

1 like
Downloaded modernxp's MIDI pack. And it sure is 169k midi files just dumped into an archive, with no organization at all. When I have the folder I extracted it to open, explorer.exe uses 2.5GB of RAM and 25% of an 8-core CPU.
bytemoth 4 years ago

But you can avoid opening the folder by using Everything to search for .mid files! There's good stuff in here, but also a lot of ringtones, and newer MIDIs were apparently made by people unaware that there are instruments besides the default piano.

Went through my followers list and made sure I'm still mutuals with everyone after this morning's shenanigans.
I'd like to thank all 3 of yall for coming today. ;P
ah yes, if it is'nt everyones favorite software crackalizer, mister Lee Cheezy ;P
billsworld 4 years ago

L33chEaZy told me to post this: W3 R 4ckt1v3l`/ L00k1nG 4 GNu K-RaD M3MBeRZz, 1F U TH1nK U R K-RaD ENuF 4 BoW!, TH3N C4LL R 3l33+ BoW 4PPLiC4TiON VMB -- 416-339-1700 4Lt3RN4T3Ly, U CaN K4LL 0UR 3l33+ 800 V0iC3 MAiL B0Xx At 800-TO-ELiTE, TH4NX 2 VOiC3 MAiL H4QeR 4 TH3 B0X.

mmmmmm nice

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedMay 13, 2016
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