and furthermore...

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Links added to the sitemap!!!
Hello! Thank you for explaining to me what sitemaps are, that was very nice of you. I'll probably add some links to it later! Have a good day :D
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owlroost 1 year ago

Accessibility is one good reason site maps exist- it's a lot easier to navigate to a page with a screenreader or other assistive tech if they're all in one place iirc (if the map itself is done properly). Also makes it easier for abled users to find that one page that they were looking for without going through nested pages or hunting around. Apparently it also helps search engines crawl the site.

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haiiii i haven't been updating regularly, i guess the motivation hasn't struck recently... HOWEVER, i have now added a tiny blog section (finally! with working div elements!) and also the index page underwent slight changes XD hopefully nothing too enormous haha
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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 18, 2022
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