5,062 updates
0 tips was updated.
1 year ago
corru 1 year ago

this is some typo/bug fixes, some updates to the proxy thoughtform system, and!! a new "low intensity" option in the system menu for people with older machines (or people who just don't like the proxy system)!

corru 1 year ago

this is separate from just "low quality" because enabling it gives you additional choices before sequences where you would normally use a proxy thoughtform, to replace the sequence with something else!

corru 1 year ago

proxy thoughtform movement has been moved to a web worker, which should generally make it work nicer across more systems, but i fear that it may not be enough - so that's what the low intensity option is for

corru 1 year ago

finally, the 'low' quality setting has also been updated to change the animation style of proxy thoughtform attacks to be either linear or use steps(), so that they're less animation intensive as well... my hope is that this makes it all a little more accessible

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Ooh, how perfect! I just logged in, and gave the changes you added to the proxy system a test drive. It's considerably tighter than before! I managed to go smoothly up to a certain point, when the lag spikes got me again, but it's already a superb improvement in the performance!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also, I'm very grateful for the "low intensity" setting, since idk how graphically intensive other proxy battles will be for my PC (I'll be always willing to give them a go since I find them fun lol), plus it helped me progress in the uncosm! Thank you so much for the update, Corru!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

And before I go- I played EP 2 earlier today, and had a total blast with the new mechanics!! For real, they were surpringly smooth on my machine and were a heckin' lot of fun! And even with the proxy lag nearing the end, I managed to go all the way till that part concluded! Can't wait for more of your stuff!

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there is now a "SELECT" button in the system save manager, you can choose an EP to start at! the save will be bare bones, but get you to the spot you want to be. let me know if any weirdness crops up with it! (of course if you visited earlier today, it may take a hard refresh to get to show up)
ninacti0n 1 year ago

A have a lil' question (one I think I should've asked sooner): my old laptop didn't handle the proxy fight too well, I had too much lag, so I ended up stumped in the uncosm. Is it possible for me to progress to the other content without facing the entity or not?

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corru 1 year ago

@ninacti0n, sort of! the uncosm entity is optional, but there is another similar system in use near the end of this new episode. although I was talking with someone about fixing the choppy proxy movement and we may have a solution for that soon! i wanna see if I can get that written tonight or tomorrow cause that really bugs me

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corru 1 year ago

gonna see if we can implement WEB WORKERS to get the proxy movement off the main thread, the issue is that setTimeout and setInterval are way more framerate sensitive than I thought initially

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corru 1 year ago

P.S. sorry you ran into that, I know you aren't the only one and it must be super frustrating!! but I'm gonna try and fix that before getting ahead of myself with adding more stuff

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@corru Oh, don’t worry! It’s alright lol, I’m used to not being able to play games on my PC. I was surprised it had managed to run, even if the 3D areas were slightly laggy at times. I’m super happy you’re hoping to fix the proxy movement soon, I can’t wait to play the battles!

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EP2::"█████████ has repaired another portion of the ███████. ████ implements an unconventional solution to access it. The mystery behind the ████████ begins to unravel." - begins after the end of EP1 content, ends fairly clearly
corru 1 year ago

this will be the beginning of an arc that exists in the same little world this has created, using the same systems for the next few updates at least!! hopefully this means we can get them out a little faster, too!

corru 1 year ago

additionally - the confusion of reaching the end of an episode and wondering 'what do i do next' has been alleviated through a new button that appears when you're done with a portion of older content, along with some other little improvements here and there

corru 1 year ago

there will be other little improvements coming up soon, like an 'EP selection' that gives you a barebones save to get you up to whatever part you want to start at!

corru 1 year ago

P.S. if you're still getting "wait for more fixes" from Moth, do a hard refresh, neocities can be A Little Goofy!!!

2 likes was updated.
1 year ago
satyrwoud 1 year ago


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ninacti0n 1 year ago

The update HAS ARRIVED-

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corru 1 year ago

it is here indeed my friends!!! please let me know if you spot any bugs, this changed a lot of stuff even if most of the new content is in one spot

theelement 1 year ago


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4disease 1 year ago


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this layout is so cool!!
one more week friends 🟣🔍👁️
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Let's GOOO-

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theelement 1 year ago

May the corru be plentiful and the observers readied

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Damn- This game is really awesome! I love the use of graphics and the music too. I'll definitely be playing it all the way through soon
your site has so many cool layout designs!! the "about" one awoke some ancient memories
4disease 1 year ago

Thank you so much My friend!

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I just realized MS Paint's spray can looked strikingly similar to your game's rendering, and couldn't resist: Hope I did your aesthetic enough justice lol, this piece was both a test to my patience and a blast to make :']
tetrisk-lair 1 year ago

Oh that's freakin sweet!

ninacti0n 1 year ago

@tetrisk-lair Eee, thank you so much!! Happy to hear you enjoyed it ^^

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corru 1 year ago

freakin sweet indeed!!! the wild angle and warped perspective must have been a PITA but it turned out awesome, that and the colors make it really striking

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@corru Ohoh, thank youu!! In fact, it took me a while to get all these twisted angles right lol, mister birdman was the toughest of them all... I'm flattered you enjoyed it, it was such a wild ride for me to recreate your aesthetic with the best of my ability... CMYK and 3D-esque dithered visuals for the win!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@psychicnewborn Oh, many thanks!! Glad you think so :P

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they don't know about the secret codes 🤭
tetrisk-lair 1 year ago



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