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vibracobra was updated.
1 year ago
vibracobra was updated.
1 year ago
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saint-images 1 year ago

Can you recommend any particular D'n'B mixes? I've been discovering the genre for the past half a year or so, and I've been immensely enjoying the mixes/studio sets from the 90s. Would've been cool to see exactly what kind of stuff you're listening to.

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darek 1 year ago

most of my tastes in dnb overlap with breakcore... so bear with me! squarepusher (obligatory), bogdan raczynski, and the black dog are all great. If you want to do a deep dive into 90s DnB, I would suggest looking into Warp Records' signed artists from the very early 00s.

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saint-images 1 year ago

Took a little listen to breakcore; curious how while I undeniably recognize it as a D'n'B subgenre, it sounds entirely different from what I've been lsitening to! I'm not that knowledgeable in subgenres yet, but apparently the ones I've been listening to are Intelligent D'n'B and Jungle.

darek 1 year ago

I was funnily enough talking with this techno DJ recently and he was like "Yeah, breakcore is just the cool kid internet way of referring to DnB and Jungle" so I now have absolutely no clue if it's a subgenre or not

vibracobra was updated.
1 year ago
vibracobra was updated.
1 year ago
I didn't feel like typing out a whole new blog entry for this, but I finally put some kind of journal bullshit in my extras section. best way of describing it would be a summation of my perspective. I should be using this time and writing capacity to finish an essay that's passed due, but, yknow, personal needs over academic needs. Back to finishing that essay!
vibracobra was updated.
1 year ago
Hey man, delighted to see another camera collector on this site! Thanks for the follow.
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mattheuxphoto 1 year ago

thanks! im new to neocities, still figuring things out!

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the blue checkmarks is a joke neocities is pulling given the current events, if you all are out of the loop
website updated, accidentally deleted the post here that says the pages updated... brand new guestbook is up. go check it out!
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Hi there! I see that you followed me from the comment I made. I love your site, and would love to see your CD reviews once they're available, as a CD collector myself! I also wholeheartedly agree with what you say regarding social media disdain... I avoid it completely myself too, and keep my personal website up as an outlet for creativity.
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celebritymonkey 1 year ago

I definitely did, haha, I love CD's very much. I just hate that it's intrinsically designed to suck you in as long as possible..very evil in my opinion. But yes, the CD reviews is something I want to do but don't quite yet know a layout for. Stay tuned, I guess, LOL. I like people using neocities as a little replacement for social media, their sites always have fun tidbits on them.

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CreatedFeb 23, 2019
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