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I got Unabomber's books finally so i don't have to read any of this stuff digitally lets goooooo ("Technological Slavery Volume 1: Enhanced Edition" and "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why And How - Second Edition" specifically)
dc-blog 1 month ago

Around 500-600 pages total to read I believe, and actual decently large pages too rather than something small XD. Technological Slavery I especially wanted because Unabomber himself said it was the best way to read his manifesto

cidoku 1 month ago

The new edition of Technological Slavery has prettier typesetting but it is missing some stuff from the previous edition, just so you know

dc-blog 1 month ago

@cidoku this is 1984 (so unless they plan to release a Vol 2 ever, F)

learn Hebrew. become a Jew. (why am I even saying this aghsdhfshh eheheh)
mypillowfort 1 month ago

כל כך נכון

chipsfunfun 1 month ago

cant wait to actually learn hebrew and get my bat mitzvah

dc-blog 1 month ago

I am retaining my goy ways, however still learning Hebrew for OT of the Bible so ye.

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I'm going to try to figure out if I can do this, but if I'm able to, I will mass-archive as much as humanly possible onto my website (that I have created ofc). This means 500+ videos, 800+ writings, 100s of images, etc. Now in terms of general archival plus analog-media stuff, new status post :D
I've been stuck trying to figure out French for forever. Thus, if you have anything to help, please link it either here or via email. French books, video, audio, etc. Anything to make me start grasping the language more, until I can get it I'll also try to figure out it via chatrooms/forums.
dc-blog 1 month ago

I'll probably end up doing something similar for this whenever I inevitably start learning other languages like German, but FRENCH i must figure out first (most interested in it + I have the most progress in it)

dc-blog 1 month ago

And no, I'm not using Duolingo. My phone has been dead for a month, and on computer it does this bullshit (, probably bc of my anti-tracking BS. Yes what I'm doing is gonna make it way harder, but I refuse to use it if I can't do it with my anti-tracking BS yknow?

pnnamerica 1 month ago

Learn a better more useful language like Japanese.

connor7000 1 month ago

do NOT learn Japanese

lyricaltokarev 1 month ago

dude i learned like basic-mid japanese in a relatively short time by consooming anime, doing anki and barely reading grammar i guess you could try that but with french media

lyricaltokarev 1 month ago

and visual novels they also contributed a lot i think

lyricaltokarev 1 month ago

and with reading grammar i meant reading/watching grammar guides or explanations, just skimmed through them, most grammar guides dont prepare you for the actual spoken language

chipsfunfun 1 month ago

learn hebrew.

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dc-blog 1 month ago

@pnnamerica on the list, albeit very far back on the list of what I'm going to learn. @lyricaltokarev I'll try to consoom French books and French videos then. @chipsfunfun Hebrew I am planning to learn as well, but only bc Old Testament of the Bible i wanna read.

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oldkidz-newblockz 1 month ago

code lyoko in french

The longest piece of literature is 31,476,030 words, my WPM is 110. To copy all of that over again, I'd need to type for 199~ days. And after all that typing, I almost typed as much as a woman speaks in a day, after 199 days.
chipsfunfun 1 month ago

the longest piece of fiction is a loud house fanfiction. its longer than the bible.

dc-blog 1 month ago

@chipsfunfun im pretty sure even the Bible isnt 1M words, let alone 33M. Goddamn people on the internet are insane, what if we print that as a book (large-encyclopedia-like book that will probably be like 6+ inches thick)

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