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thx for follow!!!
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Really cool site!! A lot of the listed movies are my favorites as well. I recommend House ('77) if you havent watched it yet :)
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deaddybbuk 1 year ago

Thank u!! I haven't seen it but i def will check it out :)

thanks for the follow :D cool site
Gone With The Wind and The Wizard of Oz both came out 83 years ago...
been sick for the past 3 days. The fever has gone down and i'm feeling better now, but due to this no big updates coming this week
such a cool site! added ur button to my page :)
konbie 1 year ago

thanks a lot!

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had such a weird dream last night. Or rather nightmare cuz i was terrified when i woke up. Basically i was laying in bed, the sun was up, and then i heard someone speak outside, like uh y know those hidden speakers they had in hunger games, they said that we are now turning on the night mode, and then the moon came up and everything went dark. I was looking at the moon and then suddenly
deaddybbuk 1 year ago

a grey moth started flying around my room. (I love bugs but am scared to touch em) That moth landed on my hand, i was scared but tried to stay calm. And then mf bit me, i pulled my hand away really fast and theni woke up

deaddybbuk 1 year ago

cuz like i actually hit my hand against the wall really hard, it still hurts a little

leporinedivine 1 year ago

IDK if u want a reading 2 ur dream or not but sumtimez rapid/surprising time changes can mean ur day or night irl might be 2 eventful or dizzying/confusing. moth bites can also be untapped anger lawl

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deaddybbuk 1 year ago

oh thanks, good to know haha

Thanks for the follow! What a cool and fun site you have made!
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