Dizzy's Bunny Hell - Landing

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koinuko 1 year ago

it looks like some of the script from the webring is messing up on your page bc there are objects with the same name in your css D: i think i see the problem, let me try to work on it on my end so you don't have to change anything on your website!!

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doctordizzy 1 year ago

Thank you so much, koinuko! I'm really new to this T_T

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koinuko 1 year ago

yeah i'm sorry about the trouble!! i made the webring when i was really new to coding too, i went back in and renamed some things so i think it should work better now! if you just put the webring back wherever you want it, things should look a lot better, and if the text is still misaligned i will keep working on it!!

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doctordizzy 1 year ago

Thank you so so much! This looks a lot better ^_^ thank you again!!! :D

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You have been added to the Self-Insert Webring! Your assigned number is 123. Copy the code from this page and change the 0 to a 123 so that it will work properly! If the code doesn't load on your page at first, try pressing CTRL + F5 to refresh the page! Thanks for joining!

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 6, 2021
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