Ecruteak Forest

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Have come into posession of a number of undocumented GB/GBC multicarts, as well as a second (working!) copy of Viet Crystal. Going to take apart the Viet Crystal and see if I can gather any manufacturing info from the circuit board, and also try to document everything on the multicarts!! I might need to make a new layout for how I want to document though, as I want to scan the boxes/cartridge arts too...
ecruteakforest 5 months ago

Trying to find the original artist that made the iconic Pikachu gifs from the Geocities era - if anyone has any info, let me know!

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Love your site!! The layout is so cool and pretty
ecruteakforest 6 months ago

Thank you so much! I love yours too, the colours are so pleasing!

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedNov 2, 2023
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