Fresh Egg!

2,150 updates
0 tips
Apologies for the cryptic message. A major life event has happened and I'm dealing with it in my own way. I'd rather not divulge further, but I will be taking a break from being online. Thank you <3
nonkiru 7 months ago

Take all the time you need, and I hope your time offline goes well! 💕

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Newest update!: My new game, Stew-Quest, has been released over on my page! It's a small game about collecting ingredients for a stew! I'd love it if you checked it out :> Thank you!
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eggdev 7 months ago

@aquariumaesthetic Thank you so much!! ;w;

idk what this offline dot com thing is, but it made my malware blocker go off, so er, navigate at ur own risk?? definitely shouldn't sign up to any sketchy sites either, ppl...
Fresh Egg! was updated.
8 months ago
1 like
Hello! The RPG Maker widget link has been updated! Please navigate to by 11/31/23 please. No worries if you miss the deadline! I can add you back in the place you were in just fine. (Hi Eggy! I think about you a lot. I hope you're doing okay. I know things are hard sometimes but I'm cheering you on!)
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eggdev 8 months ago

Done! :> (Also, thank you sm;; I hope you're doing well yourself!)

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Just a tiny devlog update on the homepage. Hope ya'll have been well! :>
srry for lack of updates- been busy with other life things as usual. But! If anyone has my button added to their site, and would like theirs on mine, lmk! I have a handful already but i dont mean to miss anyone! Hope you've all been well!
Fresh Egg! was updated.
9 months ago
aa ty for adding my button!! i've added yours to my homepage as well :>
shiraru 9 months ago

omg thank you!

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unrelated: anyone else have to delete old RSS feed data on their XML file? My feed wasn't valid due to having duplicated links to my home page, but only on a specific line @ _ @; I'm still ultra super new to RSS things, so I'm sorry if this is a rly dumb thing to say. I had to delete an old line / rss entry that included a thank you to those who've helped me set it up in the first place so I felt rly bad about that;;
ophanimkei 9 months ago

I think it’s the guid that can’t be duplicated? Usually I just add a hash (ie home#august21st) to continue reusing links :-)

1 like
eggdev 9 months ago

@ophanimkei Ohh, I see! Thank you! I'll try to keep that in mind for future updates ;w;/

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedOct 13, 2017
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