Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard

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you got 3 million views????? You must be a ROCKSTAR on here!!!!!!
If any Neocities account is gonna use the namespace of I wanna see some stars and stripes damnit!
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Now, the site has been renamed to Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard, and the page now has an updated image collage. I came up with the idea of calling it Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard, because I started adding more icons of computers on this site, and also, a new computer lab page for "eye candy" of retro 90s computers, and maybe other decades included is in the works.
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Pretty soon, this site is going to be renamed to Suzanne's Electronic Fun Yard! I wanna keep the SEFY initials if I rename the site.
empeethree 1 year ago

now, the front page collage has been updated, and the site has been renamed!

empeethree 1 year ago

I plan on creating a new page for images of computers, and I'm gonna call it Suzanne's Computer Lab.

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empeethree 1 year ago

Now, we have an updated collage of images, and a new marquee to reflect the change of the site's name, and it still has the ladies named Suzanne that we all admire, and a few other changes to that image!

I just found out that the creator of MIDI, Dave Smith has passed away this year, RIP
empeethree 1 year ago

lots of MIDI tracks were used as background music for webpages more than 20 years ago.

clubnintendoarchives 1 year ago

Felt a bit morbid 'liking' that comment. Still, RIP, Dave Smith.

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empeethree 1 year ago

Here's the thing, as a fan of the MP3 file format, I really have this tendency to worship Suzanne Vega, since she was "mother of the MP3", but this time I wanted to give some honor to the father of MIDI for a change, and was shocked to find out that he died this year. I don't really hear people mention Dave Smith much, so I decided to give condolences to him.

empeethree 1 year ago

Also, classic Geocities-style sites used MIDI music as their background music, and I was planning on making some new webpages that use some MIDI-style music as their background music.

I noticed that the Flashdance video game didn't have a working download link. Flashdance was such an 80s classic, that it was a good idea to have a video game adaptation.
A new GIF has just been added to the welcome page, a 90s style computer with an animated welcome message!
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purinland 1 year ago

looking dope!!

empeethree 1 year ago

Well, it occurred to me that a GIF message with some 90s style computer aesthetics might be a good idea. When I was a kid in the 90s, I spent more time playing video games on the computer, than I did watching Step By Step.

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James needs to see this, I want him to mention this subreddit in a future Cinemassacre video!

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedJun 8, 2018
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