Faerie-StarV's My Little Nostalgia Website

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Thanks for the follow! :3
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Thank you for the follow! I used to have so many of the older My Little Ponies and still love the desings- they're so sweet and nostalgic! I can't wait to see how your site grows!
faerie-starv 1 year ago

Your welcome and thanks for the follow. Nice to see a fellow MLP fan! :D My site is WIP right now as I'm slowly relearning HTML and CSS(learned some in college back in 2008) and still experimenting till I find the right layout I wanted. :3

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I don't know if I already posted it here or not but just in case, thanks for the follow. :3 Your site reminds me of a good old days of early 2000s Internet era before Twitter and other social media sites.
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The new chatrooms they made is so buggy and I had to stop using it. DA would rather spend all their free time making their site look pretty but doesn't do jack squat when it comes to fixing bugs. Like seriously, fix it already! But you know DA, they don't listen to us.
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retrobun 1 year ago

the old chat.deviantart DOES still work, but is largely unsupported now. i still have my own chatroom linked on my site actually!! its just that they no longer support it, so you cant look at an emoticon list (it wont connect) or form that much of a community, like you used to be able to :( i havent used deviantart actively since probably 2012?

I had to closed down my groups before I left because barely anyone was online due to Eclipse. One of my first groups, MLP History was the last one I closed down. One user wanted to run it but it was too late so I suggested to her to make a new one which she did.
Thank you for the follow!
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faerie-starv 1 year ago

Your welcome. Your web comic looks interesting and I wanted to read it on my days off. :3 And thanks for the follow back, my site is still in WIP as I'm just relearning HTML and CSS. :3

I haven't used their chatrooms very much but I do miss the clubs/groups as well as the community being active. But ever since they introduced Eclipse, it caused my watchers and friends leaving the site. It's gotten so bad that DA allows AI as well. :( Also, thanks as I wanted to make a similar layout. :3
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retrobun 1 year ago

i used their chatrooms super often personally!! i rped on them LMAO, the chatrooms r almost completely bare now tho :'/

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I defiantly missed the catergories as it made my search for certian things easier but when Eclipse came along, it made my search more diffcult. I really hated that layout so much and it caused most of my watchers and friends to leave the site. It became a ghost town and it only got worst when DA allowed AI. Oh man, it caused an outrage and that was the last straw for me. :(
redeviated-edael-tb 1 year ago

Couldn't agree more, groups I felt were the last bastion for dA and something others sites didn't have, however now it feels like all groups have the same set of users uploading to em, with no uniqueness about em, in general groups aren't places to socialize with others, they're now basically just content billboards... Depressing...

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Your layout was almost excatly the way it is when first I joined Deviantart back in October 2007. Those bring back memories and I loved the site it used to be. I closed my DA account last month because of many issues. :(
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retrobun 1 year ago

i used to use deviantart literally everyday, so i definitely relate. my all time fav feature was their chatrooms, which is where i met a ton of my earliest best friends. im glad u like my layout!! if ud like to sample anything from it u can feel free!! :)) i pulled the main code from the wayback machine and largely customized it based off my own preferences. if u have any questions im more than happy to help!!

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CreatedMar 26, 2022
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art nostalgia 80s mlp 90s