faintly macabre

622 updates
0 tips
this is super late lol but thanks for the follow! your site is so soft-colored and comforting to look at c: i also love your media log, it's so well done! i'm always jealous of people who can review things they've seen lol
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saikyo-central 2 months ago

thanks so much! your site is super soothing on the eyes as well! plus that Around the Internet Today page is such a cool idea. def will keep up with what comes next out of your site.

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I love the death note themed journal so much =D it brings me joy
faintlymacabre 2 months ago

aah ty! it really feeds into my (and Light's) pathological need to be right and also our mutual love of being messy and dramatic xD

swiftred 2 months ago

hahaha I love it so much <3 also, your AtIT is really cool!!

aah ty for the follow! your site is so wonderful, like a scrapbook or a drawer of well-loved things and the links are so WIGGLY :D
three pages left to update and then the site will get a makeover!
your site has such a wonderful and unique aesthetic and i can't wait to see what you add to it c:
finished coding my new landing page. i'm not going to update the site until i can do it all at once (i went with a new file system and i'll break every image if i do the pages one at a time), but watch this space *eyes emoji*
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hi hello i promise i'm not dead i just caught another cold last week. which is the third in three months for me. and i felt like shit lol. but we're back at it again!
i promise i am still here but i was seized with the hubris that only someone with no knowledge of how to do something can be seized by and i'm entirely recoding my site so. yeah.
the code for my re-vamped site is almost done?? at least for the index page lmao. maybe someday i'll learn how to properly impliment columns...
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surfaces bloody and panting from my html document: hi guys how's it going?
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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedFeb 14, 2024
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art horror writing coding nonsense