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I am looking for a website that was like a table generator but it was used to sort movie posters/covers.. I'm not good at explaining things. I didn't save the link.. does anyone know what I'm talking about?
koinuko 2 years ago

I haven't heard of it, but maybe you could ask on r/tipofmytongue on Reddit? I don't really use Reddit, but I posted on there when I was trying really hard to find this obscure story and somebody found it within two days! I think it's worth a shot if nobody on here is able to find it.

koinuko 2 years ago

Could it be Flickchart by any chance?

Added some more Halloween stickers~
my best friend is on here now <3
dollzmaniabackup 2 years ago

AHH thank you...! Do you mind if I add them to my collection?

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fairytrash 2 years ago

go ahead! <3 ive had them on my hard drive for sooo many years!

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love you ~ cant wait to see it
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neoratz 2 years ago

this is great advice, i think i used the same exact lidocaine thingy! i'm not sure if it actually worked or if it was placebo, but it made me feel better.

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arremeer 2 years ago

I didn't know about these! Thank you so much :)

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Twitter making more needless changes reminds me why I love Neocities so much! I will update again in a few days.. My AC went out so it was really hot here in the desert. It's fixed now, but tomorrow is my 2nd CV shot. Not sure how I will feel after that! I will try to think of some new pages that I can add in the meantime :)
fairytrash 2 years ago

I did put up a blog and update the birding page.

i love this
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blobject 2 years ago

<3 your site is so cool!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedDec 14, 2017
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