The Gumball Machine

1,807 updates
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took me this long to realize my website is nowhere NEAR compatible with mobile lol. it got all messed up without me noticing somewhere along the line
near death experience today... blogged about it
miela583 1 year ago

That's hardly a dumbass thing, like you say at the end-- there's thousands of variables to make it through every day, and it's scary to actually notice one! I am glad you are okay.

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gonnefishin 1 year ago

It's actually crazy when you think about how our species has become reliant on metal death traps to get around now that ya mention it (っ °Д °;)っ

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1 like
sorry for the late response to the late response but i was eeping. anyway my discord is on my homepage if you wanna hmu i can send you my shit
gonnefishin 1 year ago

aight, gotcha! I was also eeping (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

I don't know how I wasn't following, I already had your button on my website! Sorry about that! (´。_。`)
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daniele63 1 year ago

Thank you so much, don't worry it's fine

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I am super lazy so I hope everyone has been okay with the double dyks every other day this week. dw it won't be like this forever;
miela583 1 year ago

Please take care and take thing at your own pace- you’re more important than your output for sure!

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Gonefishin! I accidentally deleted your comment, I’m so sorry! I tried to reply on my tablet and have ham fingers! Yes, the main character is customizable, though! It’s pretty limited- gender, face, hairstyle, and a narrow skin tone range, but it’s not nothing, either. This is the first Disaster Report I’ve played, so I don’t know what’s standard or not.
gonnefishin 1 year ago

The older DR's had a main character that was kind of created specifically for the story, so there wasn't really anything in the way of character customization outside of like, bonus unlockables. Also no worries! (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

miela583 1 year ago

Ahhh, that makes sense. This is super “role playing” based, with a lot of choose your actions/ how you treat and talk to people stuff above any other sort of gameplay so far, so in context, the custom main character makes sense. It’s interesting so far.

Darn. Realizing that I've already made a mistake on the new unfinished live page. In order to get this to work the way I want: clickable logo buttons for each streamer that change the displayed stream; I'll have to use iframes for the stream embeds. Hm..

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedOct 27, 2022
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