H3's Neocities Seite

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do you have a working winamp page with a milkdrop background?! this is inspiration
h3 2 years ago

there is a JS inplementation of milkdrop called butterchurn (github: if you want a good example, look at the music thing i made for (its the "music" entry in the sidebar)

h3 2 years ago

aaaand there is also a JS implementation of winamp ( if you want to see an example for that, i have one on my homeserver

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geouniversal 2 years ago

i was referring to your homepage! i am so inspired and i didnt believe it when i saw it. i will have to try and make this work as well one night. thank you so much

h3 2 years ago

oh cool. btw: if you need skins:

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FOUND BIG BUG: on some pages you cant interact with anything under the transparent picture! you need to add this to the css for it: div.cur { pointer-events: none; position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} div.cur img {width: 100%; height: 100%;} this will make the mose "click though it". also the image is too small so this fixes it.
hi. i stumbled accross you site and noticed that the swag toggle button is not memorized between page reloads so i made an edited version of its javascript that stores the state in the localStorage (basically cookies but more permanent and only for clientside javascript). here is the pastbin link: if you want to know more about local storage read its MDN article:
hasnogame 1 year ago

Hey thank you so much for this! I saw this months ago and finally got some time this morning to implement this it into my site. Your code was almost perfect, just needed to wrap the initial load of storedSwagEnable in a JSON.parse() as LocalStorage is always stored as a string. Thank you for taking time to help me out with this!

If you dont have a 88x31 button already, i made you one. PNG: | GIMP File:
bye2 1 year ago

sorry took me a while to see this but thank you so much!! thats so cool!! :o

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didn't know your page is a neocites page. that so cool! do you have an 88x31 button for your page? i want to link you
I suggest you add something to your CSS that stops the buttons that go left-to-right and rtl from moving while hovering.
dismas 2 years ago

Good idea ill do that now


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CreatedMay 1, 2022
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